Yuletide: Hon Teejay Yusuf Note of Gratitude to The People Of Kogi West.


Henry W. Beecher, a great scholar opines that “Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.” While Sterling K. Brown counsels that as mere mortals, we must “always have an attitude of gratitude and thanksgiving,” Melody Beattie posits that, “Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more… it turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity… it makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”

It is in recognition of these timeless elucidations and more importantly, the divine charge in the Good Book, that, “…in ALL things, give thanks to the Most High,” that I use this opportunity and occasion of the yuletide season to Thank you Today, for Everyday. This unique festive season provides the best platform for me, as your Servant, to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude for all your love, support and moreover the years.

No doubt, the outgoing year 2021, has been a most turbulent, difficult year. From the first month to the last month, year 2021 has been full of uncertainties, unpredictabilities and multifarious challenges. For all, the year started with great expectation, lofty ideas and beautiful dreams. Somehow, for some people, certain laudable and life-changing visions, wishes are yet to crystalise. For many others, brilliant thoughts and destiny-changing plans, desires are yet to mature and manifest.

However, irrespective of the global meltdown that has led to economic, social and political uncertainties in Nigeria, I am reminded of the measure of God’s grace over our lives as a people and the debt of gratitude we owe to Him. The words of Charlotte Bronte that, “Gratitude is a divine emotion; it fills the heart, but not to bursting; it warms it, but not to fever,” encapsulates the attitude we all should not only have but imbibe. We should realize that irrespective of our present predicament and failures, in the words of Kristin Armstrong “…when we focus on gratitude, the tide of disappointment goes out and tide of love rushes in.”

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It is against this backdrop that I want to use this medium to extend my sincere and humble thanks to our Creator for His unfathomable kindness, unexplainable mercies and uncommon protection over our lives as a diverse, but unique people who have agreed to live together peacefully and driven by a common identity geared towards the meaningful growth and development of our very dear Federal Constituency. This moment of observance of Thanksgiving is a tradition I have come to cherish and respect because of the immense joy that comes with witnessing end of the year and the chance to look forward to a great year ahead.

In giving my profound and sincere appreciation to the good people of Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency, the words of former First Lady of the United States of America, Michelle Obama, readily comes to mind “…we learned about gratitude and humility – that so many people had (have) a hand in our success.” Permit me to specially acknowledge those whose forthright leadership contributes in no small measure to the progress and development of Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency; all our Elders and Leaders (men and women), Traditional and Community Leaders, Religious Leaders, Trade Groups, Student Bodies, Community Associations, Civil Servants, Indigenes and Residents of Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency. To you all I say a massive Thank You for ALL your support, prayers, passion, commitment and criticism. Without all these, my modest contribution to our dear Federal Constituency could not have been achieved.
Indeed, through it all, unknowing to many, you all have become my greatest teachers.

In acknowledging how supportive you have all been to the cause of our Federal Constituency, my horizons broadened, my strides become more confident; realising that with you behind me, as your Servant, one can achieve much more.

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As the year winds down, we must continue to be reminded of the journey ahead. It is important we have at the back of our minds that “HOPE” does not consist in the material things the present presents, but in the unshaking belief in the power and possibilities of what obtains when we do the right things right. In these trying times, we must hold high the torch of Hope and Humanity which keeps us as a unique and special people in a blessed Federal Constituency. We can only achieve the very best for our Federal Constituency, when we come Together With One Hand, One Heart connecting Together so much can be achieved!

For me, I make a solemn pledge that as I strive to consolidate on the positives recorded thus far; with your support and prayers, I will reflect on areas where mistakes, errors and faults have been made, with a renewed passion, desire, vigour and determination to correct, make amends and improve as your servant. Let me use this opportunity to offer my sincere APOLOGIES to any person, group, community that I may have wronged during the course of my duty. I do affirm with every sense of responsibility that such error(s), mistake(s) were NOT DELIBERATE. Rather it can be attributed to my unrelenting passion, resolute commitment, and firm determination for meaningful social, economic and political development of Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency.

As a people, there have always been things we do Together, there will always be things we could do Together – dreams we could make real. As we bound Together through our Faith in God, our belief in Progress, our Love of Liberty, our relentless Vision, Focus for the general well-being of our people, we will, collectively, achieve Much More for our Federal Constituency.

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Finally, as I humbly and passionately solicit your consistent prayers, support, counsel, commitment and understanding as always, I am confident that we shall Together, make Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency a great, prosperous, peaceful and fruitful place for all!
God bless you, Amen.

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