Where There’s A Will, There’s A Way. His Excellency, Atiku Abubakar’s Morale.


Our present Nigerian society is clouded with a ‘Will’ ; this ‘Will’ has made the citizens of this blessed nation to be unsatisfied because they are made a people whose desire never come through. Their emotions is often stared up with unfulfilled promises. Over the years, the citizens of this nation have been ruled or governed by leaders whose effort is not appreciated due to some cockroaches in their cupboards; this very flaw has made the citizens believed that all politicians in Nigeria are political-charlatans, hypocrites and selfish people whose aim is to syphon the public fun for their self aggrandizement. Some politicians have gone to the extent of advocating metaphorical CHANGE; yet the entire nation walks with disgruntled and grimaced faces because there is A ‘Will’; yet unfulfilled.

What then is the way out?

The way out of these predicaments is to vote for a credible, rational and business oriented candidate that has what it takes to control the affairs of this great nation. If this is done, it will boast the economic might of the nation.

Honestly speaking, the Masses is expectant; and this expectations, mostly in the political sphere has made the unhappy people seeking for a change of story.

In all honesty, His Excellency, Atiku Abubakar is the way out; this is true because he is the man after the people’s heart, the icon whose investment are domiciled in Nigeria with depts of experiences in human relations.

The People Democratic Party (PDP) must consider his Excellency Atiku Abubakar as the most appropriate candidate to be given ticket to run for the presidential race comes 2023. Recently, I heard a statement from a prominent personality of this nation that ‘ His Excellency Atiku Abubakar is the biggest threat to their party’. That is true because he has the fame, prestige, wealth, power, the moral standard and most interestingly, he is physically sound to rule the nation.

Without doubting the fact that the contemporary Nigerian society is divided in terms of party affiliation, religion, ethnicity and regionalism which has made the citizens to believe that zoning of political leadership is the solution to the frictions in Nigeria; our predicaments is far from that; suggestively, this could be the reason why we has groups of separationists in Nigeria.

In addition, before Nigeria gained her independence, we had foreigners who left their respected countries to manage the affairs of the country without prejudice, we can replicate that in our present Nigerian society by considering a passionate, just and sincere candidate like his Excellency Atiku Abubakar as the most appropriate candidate to be given ticket under the platform of the People Democratic Party (PDP) to run for the presidential race comes 2023.

Recently, the youths have been wrath because of the gargantuan failures of our political leaders, these failures do not emanate from the present administration but it is pertinent to note that it is as old as man itself. The solution to our political predicaments is not restricted to age factor but selfishness, embezzlement, mismanagement, self aggrandizement, injustice, nepotism, and favouritism. The corruption in Nigeria is innate, is like an inborn trait in us. It is wrong to use age as the strongest factor in electing a candidate to govern the citizens. To be candid, age factor must be considered but we ought to consider a candidate that is mentally, physically and economically stable to rule the nation. Electing a burden as the president of this nation again should be bitterly reprimanded by all; despite our party affiliations.

In a nutshell, his Excellency Atiku Abubakar is ready to unit the nation from the overwhelming predicaments in our contemporary society.

Lastly, all the candidates must first and foremost be ready to have the love for humanity; that is the strongest religion that we all ought to practice; this should propel rational and credible candidate to contest for an election. Congratulations in advance, his Excellency Atiku Abubakar as you favourably peaks your tick to run for presidential race comes 2023.

Author Audu Ufedo Joseph.

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