We Married on Saturday and divorced o Sunday after I discovered the source of his money


The Picture Above is for illustrations

My name is Amanda, I grew up living a life that could be called a rough life. My mum separated from my dad when I was just 9 years old, my dad who was a busy man had little or no time for me. For some reason he decided not to get another wife, he employed a maid who trained me and brought me up.

I hate the maid because she was having an affair with my dad, whenever I’m facing any challenges as a girl, I normally run to my friend’s mum for advice.

The wrong advice that started it

Right from my teenage years, she normally advises me that money is everything in a man. I grew up with the mentality of running after money and how to empty the pocket of a man. Thanks to my beautiful and irresistible looks, it was an easy task.

How I met Mike


I left my dad when I was 23 to live with my boyfriend, I ate him till he became broke, I used his money to open a boutique which he does not know of. When I discovered that he was broke, I left him and followed a richer man called Mike. He was close to his 50s but I didn’t mind, I followed him intending to eat him dry.


The Wedding


Along the line, he proposed to me and I accepted simply because I wanted to eat more of his money. The wedding was successful but I was surprised that none of his family members attended, I haven’t met or seen any of his family members but I didn’t care because I was blinded by money.


Our first night

After the wedding, he took me to his mansion that Saturday night. After we finished enjoying ourselves, I slept off. I knew I’ve sinned a lot but I never knew God still loves me, I was sleeping when I heard a voice called my name, the voice was so loud and audible, it sounded like a speaker. I immediately woke up and I was surprised to see that my husband wasn’t in the room with me, that was around 2 am.

I wanted to go back to sleep but I noticed that a strange odor just automatically filled the room, it was so uncomfortable that I had to run out of the room, it smelled like a dead rat mixed with rotten eggs.

Discovering the truth

Immediately I ran out of the room, I saw my husband in the parlor putting on a strange red gown with candles and scary objects everywhere. He was talking to someone but I couldn’t see the person, I could only hear him. I saw him holding my underwear and he lifted it, immediately he does that the underwear disappeared into thin air.

The death sentence

The person told him that the ritual is almost complete, all he needs to do is to call my name three times and I will be dead before morning. The person told him that the money in his account will triple.

The divine intervention



After I heard this, I was so scared to my bones, the only person I could remember then was God and I started praying and crying in my mind, pleading to God to save me. He yelled my name twice and I was still praying, immediately he called it the third time I saw a blinding bright light with a cross in the middle, it was so bright that I had to close my eyes.



The strange voice

When I opened my eyes I saw Mike lying on the floor unconscious but he was still breathing. I was still trying to pounder on what I just saw with my eyes when I heard a bold voice telling me to run. It was still late in the night but I didn’t mind, I ran as fast as I could, I forgot I was still putting on my night wears.



The strange man

I took only my phone with me and I was hoping to find a hotel which I can spend the night. As I was running, a man from nowhere grabbed my hand, I was scared but he told me to be calm and I immediately felt peace, he told me that God gave me a second chance because he still loves me.

Truth about Mike

He told me that Mike has killed over 50 ladies in the past for rituals and that’s why he’s rich. He said I should use all the money I collected from Mike and my former boyfriends to help the poor and needy, and I should divorce Mike before evening that day and end everything I have with him.

He showed me a hotel which I could spend the night and he gave me cash of 50 thousand to pay for the hotel and my transport. He also told me to forgive my dad and make things right with him.

I was thinking of asking him his name and how he knew everything about me, somehow he knew my thoughts and he told me that he’s a friend.

Before I could ask him where he came from I couldn’t find him anymore, I went into the hotel and spend the night.

The divorce

The next day Mike called me and asked for my whereabouts, I told him that it’s over and I’ve already arranged for a divorce. I was surprised when he said that he has the same thing in mind, that’s how I and Mike ended and that’s how I learned the biggest lesson of my life.

My new life

I changed into a good lady and I transformed my love for money into a burning love for God, I also did as the strange man instructed. Though things became a little bit hard, I was determined to work hard for my money. I later found favor in the sight of the manager of the company where I worked, he promoted me and we later fell in love with each other and got married.

Now I’m happily married with three kids but I’ll never forget how I almost lost my life at the hands of a man while looking for money.

Foods For Thoughts

They do say that money makes the world go round but money can also be the root of evil. In life, we shouldn’t allow our lust for money to take over our humanity as humans and makes us wicked. As ladies, we should learn to hustle for our money, love and greed for money have landed many people in trouble.

Above all, we should always acknowledge God as the first in our lives.

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