Usman Okai Austin Cna THE MAN WHO BEATS “AMALINZE THE CAT”….a leaf from things fall apart.- Raphael Agalama



In a dangling society, a man with an upright character from a humble background, rose to the echelom amidst all huddles with his famous cry for a better society and justice for an egalitarian society.

His activism over the years has made him a central figure among organizations for human rights and social security.

Analysts and social commentators has likened him to Thomas Isidore Noel Sankara a charismatic army captain and a social revolutionist.

The people of Kogi state and by extension Nigeria are indeed blessed to have such a sagacious son. There is no doubt, he is more popular than the unporpular town crier who disperses information without the consent of the king.

Wisdom is like a goatskin bag, every man carries his own. Those who are wise enough to learn, should pitch a tent with this young man.

We have Madiba of South Africa, Prof PLO Lumumba of Kenya, Julius Malema and co, all men are born equal but only the well groomed become leaders who inspires generations.

Today and always, I will continue to learn from him and read more books.


See also  Usman Okai Austin CNA, The Courageous and Fearless Voice In Kogi State by Oruma Paul

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