Usman Okai Austin Cca, And The Mechanism Needed – By Samuel Mona Endurance

I’ve for long detested those who trigger libido but aren’t man enough to sustain thrust to its crescendo, I don’t have any reason whatsoever deviating from that path. I detest them, because I have zero tolerance for fiddlesticks or ineffectiveness.

Okai’s ambition is a timely idea that will heal wounds, he successfully convinced me that he’s eminently qualified to lead his constituents and we mustn’t allow this golden moment to be hijacked by enemies of Democracy, he’s a Man with the mechanism to float and fly our collective resolve.

When philosophers affirmed that, “those with reasons should be allowed to lead” they weren’t hallucinating, they were only unearthing the mystery of leadership, and what can be done to sledged-ham the losing nuts of our Leadership circle. In our clime, we live with the imprint of bastardized leadership, it kills, it deprives and it decays an existing structure.

Usman Okai Austin, didn’t just stand in defense of himself, but in defense of the teaming population who’re the recipients of warped rulership. With his activism, he bridged gaps, with his doggedness and tenacity he held administrations spellbound, marshalling home the resolve of his people.

To him, the mission is to deodorize the scorching poverty that has overtime infiltrated our system, he believed, it’s more honorable to combat mediocrities than allowing them to thrive in a pool accosted by Political hooligans.

Okai, is both a voice and the urge we’ll need to bring about quality leadership to our door step. It’s time!

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