Trophy Stout: Another Banger For Real Men By Ajogwu Jerry Ochada


Trying a new brand of alcoholic beverage for choice drinkers of beer is not a new trend even though the content and taste differs, it must compensate the anticipation of a first timer because it will determine future patronage. No wonder, a popular dictum “first impression matter a lot” speak a louder volume.
It was a holy Saturday somewhere in Nasarawa state when I first sighted Trophy Stout in a paper advertorial. The advert was pasted on a wall in a popular bar (one of my favorite hangout spot) and without reading contents, the magnificent bottle caught my attention.
Will you tag it packaging?
The bottle housing Trophy Stout majestically looked like a bottle of imported wine. It beats my wild imaginations as I hungrily salivated to have a taste. Prior to this time, my favourite brand was Guinness stout therefore, it was not difficult ‘decamping’ to another similar brand with profundities of difference in all sense of assessments with exception of color – both beers are very dark perhaps due to roasted hop – but it does not in any way taste same.
Away from my thoughts; captivated by the lucid manifestation of the magnifying advertorial distinguishing another banger for real men, I honourably motioned Ekaette (the bar attendant) to serve me a mystifying bottle of Trophy Stout at least to satisfy my appetite.
Ladies and Gentleman!
The first sip I took sent some warm chillingly trigger down my nerves – a clear indication that the Brewer did a great job thus elucidating a warmer reception downwardly in my system – but it did not end there. Unlike the popular Guinness Stout, the new Trophy Stout is absolutely dignifying. It melts your bone marrows if you are a weakling and rejuvenates your IQ if you are a real man; It activates your action by crumbling every trace of cowardice in your DNA.
Conclusively, Trophy Stout is crispy with zero “hangover”. It is a new brand that will go places however, International Breweries PLC should step up their games to avoid piracy. Indeed, it is indeed “rich, dark and satisfying”. I reiterate, it is a banger for real men.

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