Tiv Youths Tackle Ortom Over Bashing Of PMB


Members of the Tiv Youth Council Worldwide have asked Benue State governor Samuel Ortom to accept his poor performance in office and stop blaming President Muhammadu Buhari for everything wrong in the state.

The youths urged Ortom to accept that he has failed after six years in office.

Speaking through their president Hon Mike Msuaan, the youths said Governor Ortom’s continuous attack on Buhari remained a diversionary ploy intended to distract the people of the state from questioning his abysmal performance as their leader.

Msuaan charged Governor Ortom to rather collaborate with the federal government agencies to ensure peace instead of embarking on a political campaign in a bid to strengthen his stranglehold on the state.

Reacting to an interview granted by Governor Ortom on Channels Television wherein he made several allegations against Buhari, the group expressed concern that a governor who ranks the least in performance and has virtually done nothing for his state will always attack the president who has done a lot for the people of the state.

Msuaan called on all Benue stakeholders, traditional leaders, groups, party men and women to speak truth to power by calling Governor Ortom to order.

The group challenged the governor to mention any ongoing or completed projects to his credit for the general public to compare notes.

Msuaan said, “Governor Ortom obviously has several MoUs to his credit: none of which has come to light. Governor Ortom cannot continue with the deceitful posturing of fighting or defending the people of Benue State, when he has practically failed in securing their lives as he swore on oath to do.

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“It is crass ineptitude for a governor who presides over the state security meetings and holds security votes of the state, to persistently dish out blames to the president as though he was elected to check-mate the president.

“It is also a cause of worry to us that Governor Ortom who has shown the highest depth of nepotism in Benue State by appointing his kinsmen in most critical positions of the state, was heard accusing President Buhari of nepotism. It is sad that Ortom has failed to remove the speck in his eye to call Buhari out for narrow-mindedness and clannishness.’’

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