Tinubu is a hypocrite, Gambari should be confined to Abacha’s inglorious past



Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu and his confessed Disciples of the late Chief MKO Abiola are the biggest Hypocrites that have ever lived or walked on the face of the Earth.

Yesterday they Cried about Abiola and June 12th. They raised the biggest statue in Nigeria right by Ojota bypass entrance to Lagos where all can see it. They celebrated the unveiling of the statue as if the Late amiable Chief and winner of June 12th election resurrected. Among the celebrants were some of the people that connived and conspired to deny Abiola the Presidency.

They took the living legend and gave them the statue and holidays and they actually celebrated again in their usual foolish euphoria.

Today the same Bola Tinubu who has made his career riding on the tailcoat of Late Chief Abiola is now Praising the newly Appointed Chief of Staff to the President Ambassador Ibrahim Gambari, the man who helped to kill June 12th and Buried Abiola, Tinubu is praising the high heavens. He came short of saying thank you for Killing June 12th. Perhaps he thought that some of us may have forgotten the event and the role Gambari played.

I was not told, I watched the same Ibrahim Gambari defend and justify the annulment of June 12 elections conducted by one of the best and courageous political gurus that this country has ever seen. Professor, Mazi Humphrey Nwosu who introduced the option A4 open ballot voting that produced the most transparent, free and fair elections that this country has ever seen, yet when the military in their ambition to hold unto power and keep it in the North annulled it, It was the same Amb. Gambari who went all over the places telling the world that the election was flawed. That it was full of malpractices. He alleged all manners of evil to justify the evil and disservice that was to the Nigerian people and the Late MKO Abiola. Little wonder the country has failed to get it right ever since.

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Then fast forward to when Ken Sarowiwa and others were murdered by the Abacha regime, it was once again, Amb. Gambari who used his diplomatic clout to blunt and undermine the gathering international resolve to deal with the Abacha regime which had the likes of same Bola Ahmed Tinubu on the run, hiding in foxholes and disguising like Jankara women to escape from the border to avoid being liquidated.

Yes, Amb. Gambari was and has always been in the bad gang against the Nigerian people. He serves one god at a time (his Boss). Regardless of how the Nigerian people feel, and regardless of whatsoever whosoever his boss unleashes on the people he will still remain loyal and dance to the tune of whoever pays him the Piper determines the tune he will play.

He has interestingly indicated that he will do same with his Current appointment. He’s a good laundry man. Watch as he’ll attempt to use his receding and waning diplomatic contacts to launder and justify the indefensible actions of this administration. But thank God the thinking in Washington, the realities and the key players are different from the Clintonian and Obama school of thoughts.

People have flaunted and showcased his academic brilliance to justify his inept and deeply flawed personal character and failings. Can any of those who sang his praises to the high heavens tell ordinary Nigerians the diplomatic achievements of this career diplomat that have impacted ordinary Nigerians positively? Perhaps that may help to justify their unwarranted and unmerited praises they are pouring on him.

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Let me remind all, that during Saddam Hussein reign there were equally other brilliant men with compelling credentials and experience that served under Saddam, just like Ibrahim Gambari served under Gen. Abacha and other dictators. We still remember the foreign minister Tariq Aziz and few others. But when that regime went down, they all went down with it. It was like a deck of cards. It collapsed and never to be resurrected again.

The likes of Amb. Gambari and others who used their brilliance and credentials to serve the regime disapproved by the world in its entirety should’ve gone down with that regime and never to be heard from again.

Perhaps that’s the problem with the Nigeria people. We continue to resurrect people who are parts of axis of evil. Those who are co-conspirators and facilitators in the gradual destruction of Nigeria to come back and lead or fix Nigeria with the same mindset that did not work when things were less complicated and challenging as they are now.

Already Bola Ahmed Tinubu the lead singer that leads the Yoruba nation has reburied Abiola his Oga, as he embraced those who ganged up and saw to his destruction and early grave.

Little wonder little or no progress has been made and will not be made even if you bring a hundred more Ibrahim Gambaris.

Chris O. Maduka✍🏾

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