The Woman who moves multitudes has move To PDP

Barrister Natasha H Akpoti had contested elections twice in Kogi State and her people’s love for her was expressed in those elections but the governor deployed his incumbent apparatus to circumvent the popular will of the people.

Those elections, her 40th birthday which was marked by the rehabilitation of Okene-Ibillo-Lampesde road, and the construction of Ihima-Ege road, her record-making glamorous wedding plus the mammoth crowd that throng those events will forever resonate with historic significance.

Those events clearly showed that Natasha Akpoti is a woman who moves multitudes. Everything about her is a great news and just yesterday, I was awaken to another desirable news. The people’s General, the Ohi’Ogu of the universe has decamped from SDP to PDP.

Why was I thrilled? People have been cross-carpetting and undoubtedly she is not the first and will definitely not be the last. So why the ephoria? You may wonder.

Well, I believe she is the right person to roll back the ugly pall enveloping our dear State. So I develope unwavering love for her and it is my earnest desire to see her operate in an engine room of power in Kogi State and in Nigeria in no distant future. This will enable her to break her own unmatched record of goodness to humanity.

Another reason joy flooded my heart was because this singular step has drawn her remarkably close to her life-long dream of serving her people.

It was my firm believe that the reason why it was easy for APC to manipulate the 2019 senatorial election results was because she contested in a platform too weak for her personality. No structural support and no financial support. Everything revolved around her and she became the soul and the spirit of that party.

The overwhelming support that the SDP enjoyed during those elections were because of people’s ardent love for Natasha. Now that she is set to profit from the massive structures of PDP, one cannot but speculate that during election her men would be every where monitoring every manipulative agents thereby increasing her chances of victory at the polls.

Again, there are thousands of PDP members across the three senatorial districts in the State who genuinely love Natasha but were not able to work for her cause because that would be termed anti party activities. Now that the chain has been broken, they are let loose to propagate the progressive message.

Most of these people have been in the trenches. They understand the indices and the anxiom of grassroot politics. Watch them explode for Amazon.

Another gratifying thing about this development is that this news is a bad one for the pen robbers in Lugard’s House. The delusional elements who trekked upon the blood of the Innocents to power and the accidental big boys whose wealth is as a result of the starvation of the poor masses.

By her defection, she has increase the whirling vortex of opposition against these sets of people and against this present maladministration. As a result, the consuming fire of 17% salaries is about to be permanently extinguished in Kogi State.
These are the reasons for my joy.

Finally I learnt that the SDP are grieving that Osasefe of Okpameri Kindom left their platform for that of the PDP. This is expected. No serious political party in Nigeria would be happy to lose the likes of Natasha to their bigger rival. But this is life. Certain things are bound to happen regardless of how you feel about them.

I implore them to take heart. And unbehalf of Natasha, I sincerely thank those among them who worked assiduously for her cause in the last six years and I expect them to cross over with her.

In the same vein, I want to state unapologetically that there is a place for greatness. Natasha has identified that place and has pitch her tent in that place.

This matter is settled. Power is coming back to the people.

The woman who moves multitudes has move to PDP.

By Musa Enesi Ozoza

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