
Since the emergence of politics in Kogi state Omala local government has maintained a unique political history in decision making regarding choice of leadership either at the state or local government level, this political behaviour of our sound, brave, rational and courageous people has severally buried second term ambition of past Local government council chairmen whose performances were rated below expectations, and more so shortened ambition of past elected office holders who attempted transition to a broader political realm.
However, while Politicians in other Parts of the state enjoys sustainable wealth from politics this political advantage is proven otherwise in the case of past Omala political office holders, that is, swift loss of wealth,loss of relevance or popularity has been a common trait among the supposed elites and power brokers.This natural trend often relegate Omala Local government council executive and legistlative office holders back to previous social status after office,(ie) life and survival becomes difficult immediately after office as result of swift disappearance of wealth.
Read carefully with open mind if possible neutralize your mind from political and religious understanding, it’s important for every Omala citizen to understand the nature of Ife soil to prevent indelibrate inheritance of the curse of the soil, so to say to prevent self destructive steps and actions in the course of politicking and other business of life, but rather inherit the soils blessings and its peace and prosperity. Ife soil is a blessed soil that rewards hard working individuals with prosperity, every son of the soil have advantage of growth in all spheres of endeavor, it is a soil that enriches its sons and elevate the least expected persons to an enviable unimaginable position and social is a soil of happiness,love,unity and peaceful coexistence of diversities, it is a soil of success.
But it’s note worthy that it’s also a soil of hard working karma, it swiftly reward everyone according to their character, your behaviour while with wealth and opportunities determine how long it last, it’s expand your wealth when you help others grow, but takes backs your blessings when you flaunt unnecessary ego and insolence, when you belittle the ordinary people or play hostile against the people with your chances, your wealth and opportunities gradually diminishes into the soil within a short period of time, you become forgotten, dishonored, unloved,unpopular and unnoticed by the people until you realize your self, of course it’s a soil of hard working karma.
there is an existing believe among the people that council chairmen who lead unjustly don’t enjoy wealth earned from office, the condition of past office holders has been a premise upon which this believe is exerted, this give and take mystery of the soil influences Omala political affairs, because only political office holders who religiously exhibit political power to serve it pupose e.g development of the land, inprove the people’s welfare and peace promotion in humility stand the chance of escaping the negative influence of this soil over the years, truism it is a soil that fight back when you digress from reality.
political office holders who abuse power in office has zero or low chance of expanding political ambition, it is a natural force that determine fate of politicians within Omala jurisdiction its highly important to be humble, true and honest while with power otherwise prepare to suffer the same fate with ones predecessors, it is a soil that detest injustice, oppression,pride and arrogance, from fact at hand one cannot rule out the believe of the natural forces regulating Omala political affairs, this sounds untrue but it worth deep observation and thought
From crystal observation Omala politics is different, simple and as well complicated, it’s a land occupied by brave and courageous people with zero tolerance for opression, they give golden opportunity to a leader to prove his skills and reject continuity of a failed leader without fear or favour, It’s very expedient for Omala sons vying for any political office to be conversant with the existing reality of Omala politics to avoid been consumed by the negative force of the soil, the soil is hungry for quality leadership that can bring development to the land a leader that can bank on tangible and useful achievement not unjust leader who will gather short while wealth from the Local government treasury, because such wealth goes back to the soil after office, and trying to divert public funds in Omala is like fetching water with a basket.
everyone with political interest should put the above assertion into consideration, its more of reality than mere imagination,the interest of the land should be prioritize, we must be selfless in our choice of candidate in the coming council election because the development of Omala can only be actualised if only we surrender our personal interest and hamonise our interest towards presenting a capable candidate irrespective of the political parties we profess. together we can can collectively make Omala great again.

See also  State Capture By Nigerian Politicians And Elites by Usman Okai Austin .

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