The meaning of success: By Amb Yasir Sani Tahir

Throughout our lives, we have been exposed to successful companies, successful brand names, and successful people that turned an idea into a very successful product or service. What does success mean and what do these successful companies and people have in common? I believe success is defined as the amount of consistent effort, dedication, and perseverance you put into your life in order to turn your one idea or one aspiration you have in your life into something meaningful, something life changing, or even something that can change the world for the better. If you have impacted someone’s life in a positive way by helping them out with lifting an object into their car or helping them out by spreading some words of wisdom that life is not always all doom and gloom and you can overcome your challenges present in your life, you get that feeling that you have achieved success or accomplished something day. Success can be achieved by anyone and you don’t have to be rich, or any particular person, you just have to believe that you can go out there and make successes happen in your day. It doesn’t have to be big, small successes throughout your day can count towards achieving that big success that you always wanted to achieve in your life. Life is not perfect. There will be days where you don’t achieve any successes throughout your day, but that ok. You have to keep moving forward towards the bigger picture that you want to achieve and make some adjustments to make your day a more successful one.
We all see people achieving big successes all around us. You can see it on social media, in the news, and even out in the open world. The important thing is to not get discouraged and disappointed in yourself because you are not achieving big successes like what the well-known entrepreneurs are doing and you should focus on achieving your small successes in your day rather than looking at their highlight reel of their life and comparing it to your own. You have an opportunity to achieve a big success in your life but it is going to take some time. You have to be patient because a successful entrepreneur took over 5 years to build and develop their company, product or service to the world. There is a major problem in the world that people want things now and instantly and they just lack the ability to be patient when there on the road to achieving their big success and they experience a challenge or a setback. When people with a lack of patience experience this, they tend to give up on the journey in achieving their big success and giving up on something is the true essence of failure in life. The reason why I say that is because there is no such thing as a failure but the only true failure that exists is giving up. Don’t give up and be patient. Your big success will come. Continue making small successes happen in your day and the big success will eventually become a reality.

Amb Yasir Sani Tahir

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