The Man of the Moment,Dr. Sanni Halilu Shuaibu, confer the prestigious Fellowship Award of CIFIPN.


Dr Sani Shiabu, A unique Nigeria Professional whose quest for academic attainments knows no bounds in March 2020 prestigiously bagged a Ph.D in Cyber Security Administration from the Famous Charisma University in the United Kingdom, earlier bagged a Masters degree in Public Policy & Administration from the renown Bayero University, Kano 2018.

Dr.(Mrs.)Victoria Ayishetu Enape,PhD, Pro-tem President, CIFPN with Prince Sanni Shaibu

In 2016, Prince Dr. Sanni Halilu Shuaibu (Ph.D) in a grand ceremony attended by prominent Global personalities bagged another Masters degree in International relations with concentration in Public Security from St. Monica University in Honolulu, Hawaii and a bachelors of science degree in Political Science from the World recognized Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.

A managerial acumen and shrewd administrative excellence in the highly competitive world of information and Communication Technology, yesterday awarded fellowship of  THE CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF FORENSIC AND INVESTIGATIVE PROFESSIONALS OF NIGERIA(CIFIPN)

Prince (Dr.) Sanni Halilu Shuaibu And the management of the Chartered Institute of Forensic and Investigative Professional of Nigeria, during the ceremony yesterday, in Maitama, Abuja

In her speech, Dr.(Mrs.)Victoria Ayishetu Enape,PhD,
Pro-tem President, CIFPN said, The emergence of forensic and investigative profession on the global scene was based on the realization that fraudsters have gone sophisticated and in some instances are taking advantage of the 21st digital revolution to perpetrate corrupt practices that are undetectable by conventional investigative approach.

Commendation of Senate for passing Chartered Institute of Forensic and Investigative Professionals of Nigeria (CIFIPN) Bill

We have trained and inducted thousands of people from various Government departments, and the testimonies have been very encouraging. The overall motivation of CIFPN is to ensure that prosecutors and investigators in Nigeria are in position to effectively take advantage of modern forensic and investigative techniques to win the war against fraud, corruption and cyber-crimes. We remain undaunted in pursuit of this objective against all odds and with His Excellency as our fellow, we will remain as strong as the rock of Gibraltar. We are happy to announce to you that the Bill to establish the CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF FORENSIC AND INVESTIGATIVE PROFEFFESIONALS OF NIGERIA HAS BEEN PASSED BY THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY waiting to be transmitted to the President for assent.
The purpose of our visit today is to confer on you the prestigious Fellowship Award of CIFIPN as an illustrious individual is an uncommon professional with enviable laurels in a class of his own, a pace-setter investment technocrat of unparalleled distinctions and highly experienced boardroom strategist, very internationally renowned business leader of integrity, “The Man of the Moment” His Excellency Prince (Dr.) Sanni Halilu Shuaibu a man with the Midas touch of entrepreneurship excellence.

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Dr Sanni appreciates the management and the entire member of the Chartered Institute of Forensic and Investigative Professional of Nigeria, promised his commitment and dedication despite his busy schedules




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