Prior to the two dominant religions, talking about Christianity and Islam, Ogugu people in Olamaboro Local Government Area of Kogi State in North Central Nigeria is a large community of Igala speaking area with very unique cultural norms that are encapsulated in Ibegwu’s Tradition.
Besides, it’s annoying and irritating that this cultural norms are being misunderstood by other Igala people, perhaps, primarily on ignorance bases.
Similarly, one of these cultural norms which pokes the ignorance of many of my Igala people is called “Ibegwu”, which literally means “ancestors”. Story had it that “Ibegwu” is a medium through which our ancestors keep watch over their progenies with a view to stopping them from wrecking mischief.
“Ibegwu’s rules as it was revealed were set aside right from primitive age to regulate the conducts of her people. Just like any other community on the surface of earth planet, Ogugu is endowed with interesting customs and traditional practices that had attracted most other neighbouring Igala villages to know more about it. Moreover, there’s no community or society that doesn’t have her way of practicing it’s traditions.
For instance, just like the Ten Commandments God gave to Israelites, so also the cultural norms of Ogugu people in Igala land.
As far as those norms do not contradict your faith in modern religious practices, there’s no need to be scared of it.
Before now, many people have given different interpretations to those Ogugu cultural norms! While some people are able to state exactly what those cultural norms are, some tend to play mischief and go overboard.
Below specifically lays to bare all you ought to know about the popular “OGUGU CULTURAL NORMS”
1. That no Ogugu man or woman is allowed to kill his or her fellow brother or sister.
*Question: Does your Bible or Quran ask you to kill?
2. Married women are not allowed to commit adultery…if they do, the consequences is an instant death, ie if she fails to confess, she would be struck by some mysterious ailment. The antidote of such is for the victim to offer public confession and for instant performance of the necessary rituals for land cleansing.
2b. If she confesses to her husband and her husband fails to carry out drastic actions either by sending her away or performing rituals, her husband or male children will die!
*Question: What does your religion say about adultery?
3. “On Family Planning”, Before carrying out family planning with your wife, you must inform the elders in your family, especially the eldest man in your clan must be aware of this.
*Question: what does your religion say about multiplications ?…..go ye into the world and multiply 😁
4. Abortion is not allowed for any Ogugu man. It’s believed that blood and destiny has been wasted….the consequences is death!
*Question: morally speaking, do you support any abortion of pregnancy? and what does your religion say about it?
5. Sucking of Woman’s private part: As an Ogugu married man and Ogugu guy, you are not allowed to engage yourself in a such act. The culture forbids it!
*Question: Medically, don’t you think there’s side effect for a such act? Secondly, does your religion permit oral or anal sex?
6. Ogugu man is not allowed to carry out or engaged himself in ritual money…if he tries it, he will die.
*Question: What does your religion say about ritual money? Remember the love of money is the root of all evils!
7. Other Igala people say our bride price is very costly but it is not so. What we do is that the husband (groom) must provide enough food for the ceremony on that day which may cost up to 100k or above, depending which family you are marrying from. Out of this money, the groom’s in-laws use some part of it to purchase either goats or fish.
*Question: Morally speaking, don’t you like people to eat and merry on your traditional marriage or wedding? Does your religion go against such things?
Note: Bride price has no specific amount in Ogugu. Whether you are poor or rich, if actually you want to marry from Ogugu, money wouldn’t stop you!
8. On burial; For some of you who are afraid of marrying from Ogugu because of burial rites, I just want to clarify it.
When your father or mother in-laws dies, what’s required of you is a goat, linen cloth (okpe), Cola nut, Drinks (wine) and food. But if you want to make it more expensive, it depends on you!
8b. As an Ogugu man, you are expected to accord your father or mother a befitting burial with cultural requirements. Failure to this, the consequences of it is that you are not allowed to contribute to burials of others in whatever way. If you dare do so, death awaits such a person.
The beauty of all these is that, it makes our married wives irrespective of their tribe to be faithful, submissive and respectful.
Failure to abide by these rules, you get yourself in trouble.
However, Some women have argued that if a man has the liberty to flirt, a woman should also have the same right…but!
Truly speaking, average Ogugu man or woman cherishes this tradition because it distinguishes them.
Finally, questions, contributions, corrections and criticism are all welcome
Sunday Adoji Jnr

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