The 55 years Projection of Death and retirement. By Comrade Emmanuel Audu

In the rules of existence it is advisable to always find out the causes of death of parents and generations past in order to avoid similar trend.

Death mustn’t be physical dying but either psychological, emotional, spiritual, economical, financial and healthwise demise.

I was among a group of taught who were debating on the place of Parents , death, child bearings, divorce and singles and one of the denominator I took hold off was ageing and rest but it rained on me that all those debating were over 35 years of age and yet were all still single without children and had just 20 years to retirement age”
I had several questions running through my mind’s amongst which are.

1. At 55 years of retirement or death would I have trained all my children before retirement or death.

2. How old will my last child be at 55 years of age.

3. Have I dressed my bed well enough to accommodate mistakes I never corrected, contacts I never had, friends I never made and businesses I never nortured.?

I projected 55 years retirement and stocked it out far back at March 30th 2013 when I got married not because it was an easy decision to take but because I realized a lot of advantages and mistakes our parents made that I could have corrected.

My Dad sadly died at less than 60 years of age but had his first Daughter at 38 years, second son at 36 years, third Son at 33 years, forth son at 30 years and still counting with several grand childrens because he learnt from the life of his father and in his own right he overcame his fears.
What are our daily fears about life?
Can we say the mistakes of our parents have been somounted?

My grand father died at less than 60 years and his children were all little thus leaving his children in the hands of naive relatives who botherless about their academic growth but rather their own children knowing fully that education account for a larger number of Successful individuals at that time and out of 6 of them only my father struggled to gain a University degree because his dad never had the opportunity to train them before his demised.

The big questions to my audience remains how prepared are you to meet your Retirement or death.

We are in period where death knows no age, race, religion, belief, indoctrination and time.

A world where we have seen ladies Successfully arriving Menopause at 36 at against 40, 45 years or as the case may be.

A world where 6 children can’t take care of their only aged parent.

A world where men have turned to a scars resources and ladies paying men to have children and entering into contractile marriages.

A world where abortion strives in illegality and yet everyone wants to retire well.

The largest questions remains how happy can one be at old age without records of those you have worked for during service years, Those that will look into your eyes and say thank you Daddy, thank you mummy for bringing me this far.

Doublessly we can call our siblings children our children but it is sad to bring to your attention that your brother and sisters children’s are not your children or Kids”
Yes they are not your children, they can either be your niece or your Nephews”
Whatever you do for your niece or Nephews are not captured as a right in both the Bible, the Qur’an and Constitution they are just shared privileges but whatever you do for your Children or your wives are captured as their rights and either they thank you or not you have no right to get angry because the Bible made us to understand that he that cannot take care of his family’s is worst than an infidel.

Africans are so deceptive, they will tell you all sort of stories and lies.
You will hear my children are your children” just carry them and train them and they are yours and you never asked yourself on whose DNA and chromosomes do they survive and exist?
Whose surn name do they bear?

My dear family and friends hear me if you have ears and listen quite very good those siblings children you called your kids at old age will use your wealth for their parents…

They will use your asset for their siblings and you will cry to death..

They will call you useless and stupid man or Woman and in your own struggles, sweat and hustled estate and it will be late to turn back the hands of Time.
Whatever it takes, work hard and never forget that you need someone you can call yours at old age.

I am a core realist, who have had the opportunity to research on realities of ageing in my Master in Clinical psychology and I am warning you to sit and think.
We live in a world where nothing on this planet belongs to us than the blood of our blood.

*Advise* .
Instead of carrying our siblings children to become our children as they call it?, kindly adopt or go for single parenting.

Thank you.

For enquiries and mentorship.
Comrade Emmanuel Audu

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