Retired Nigerian Soldiers Protest Against Unpaid Allowances In Abuja

Some retired soldiers are protesting in Abuja over salary and pension gaps among the ranks of serving and retired military personnel.

The protesters who defied the rain hit the streets on Monday with mats and banners.

A banner was observed which contained a comprehensive list of the protestors’ demands, reading: “Review the wide disparity in pay and pension across the ranks of servicing and retired personnel.”

In January, some retired soldiers under the aegis of the Coalition of Concerned Veterans protested against the non-payment of their pension arrears for 24 months.

The veterans who gathered at the Ministry of Finance headquarters, Abuja, insisted on getting answers to their demands, or else they would continue protesting and demanding their rights.

According to online news portal, SaharaReporters, they were seen with placards on which various inscriptions were written. One of such placards read: “CCV demands immediate payment of security debarment allowance.” Another: “Military veterans demand 24 months arrears of minimum wage approved.”

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