Prividing the best educational opportunities our people needed to succeed in the twenty-first-century economy—from early education to science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) classes, to apprenticeships, training and credential programs, to community and technical colleges, four-year universities, and beyond will be my watchdogs.

We need to give our children the best education they needed as it’s the basic right of every child in our land.

It is certainly one of the very best investments we can make in our future as a people.

I belief the value of education is reflected in the strong support we have to give our schools and higher education institutions.

I have always believed that investing in education pays extraordinary dividends.

Not only does it pay off for the student, but it pays off for the rest of us by creating a more productive workforce and better-informed citizens as no society grows without it.

As schools in our country have faced new challenges during and after the coronavirus pandemic and students have had to depend mostly on remote learning, I am working to ensure that we support our kids and strengthen our commitment to providing adequate funding and the best amenities for our schools.

Gaps in access broadband and reliable technology have heightened the learning challenges faced by many students, with nearly 75 percent of Kogi Eastern lacking access to broadband at sufficient speeds.

I will also invest in community and technical colleges, apprenticeships, and training and credential programs to ensure we are preparing people for the jobs of tomorrow that our businesses are creating today.

At a time when our global economy demands more from our workforce, we must focus more than ever on the foundation of our future prosperity:

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