Prince Yahaya Audu, the merchant of discord and reproach to Igala Unity by Mohammed Aliyu OBAKA.

It is of paramount to note that only a bastard denies his parents because of hardship. Also that no matter how bad your fingers are, you can’t give it to anyone else to help you lick it, not even as a Child.
Your father, is your father regardless of his height, ugliness and or his financial disposition. He remains the only parent who’s identity you will forever carries till eternity. This stand yet a constant fact with all humans identity regardless of Personal fortunes or miss sharp that one might went through on his
journey of life.
We have taken an exception to Yahaya Audu media insult released by the Nigerian post on 20/07/2020 as his concious efforts to mock and riducle our family dynasty with such a rejoinder in what he called an appreciation message to the Executive Governor of Kogi State, Yahaya Bello and his Deputy, His Excellency, Edward Onoja for their intervention in the hardship situation of the social economy life of Alhaji Ibrahim Mohammed Omale.
In he rejoinder, Prince Yahaya Audu took it to the media as a strong message to distance himself and the Audu’s family from the recognition and honor received by our son Ibrahim Mohammed from Governor Yahaya Bello with emphasis, stressing that the beneficiary is not “the blood relative of Late Prince Abubakar Audu” as if anybody intend to dump his own family pride for his’ no matter the fortune or fame his late Brother, Prince Abubakar Audu has single handedly brought to the Audu family as a reason for their recognition to a limelight. Yet it might interest Prince Yahaya Audu to recall that his late Brother was not a selfish man, he was a man for all, hence the reason for his traditional title “Adoja” which meaning is interpreted as the Servant and Father of the masses. The pure African heart, that paved way for his glorious reign till the last minute of his departure to the great beyond. May his soul rest in Peace. He should emulate that lifestyle first!
Prince Yahaya Audu saying that Alhaji Mohammed Obaka is not their blood Brother was scientifically true but childish in an African context with the way and manner it was stressed with sentimental microphone to loud it without recuse to what ethnic and African Brotherhood entails.
It is not a taboo for Alhaji Ibrahim Mohammed Omale in a bid to pay homeage to his late Governor, friend, and political leaders by who’s advice he resigned from financial institution to join him in the Kogi State Politics ended up describing the Late Prince Abubakar as a brother. Knowing too well that he was of the same school mate, tribe and from the same community with the late Icon. A leader whom honestly shown him path into Politics and the man he in return served with full loyalty and honesty , till death did them Part. Definately, he can’t be wrong by any moral justification to have regarded him as his late Brother.
It is not to boost in vain, Mohammed Obaka Family is also a very well known family within and around Ogbonicha community and have been contributing their own quota to the development and peace enjoy by the community in their own unique capacity.
So it should be clear that no matter what circumferences, we cannot for any earthly gain abandoned our father image and name to adopt another family’s values and identity to the level of adopting that of Audu’s because of wealth. This should be a merrarge or better seen as an illusion, the last thing every adult should think!
Yes Late Prince Abubakar Audu was our hero and a good man, and which was not limited to only the Igala but entire state and beyond. But out good heart to keep appreciating him even after death should not be taking for coward.
But for Yahaya Audu to descend that low to think we are abandoning our family Identity to that of Audu blood for whatever reason best known to him was wrong. Come to think of it, when has it becomes the constitutional rights that anything good with regards to Politics and Government must come to Ogbonicha through Audu’s family? This to me is nothing but a symptom of rigid heart of Monopoly, malaria typhoid and Community enslavement agenda that must be halt.
We all are citizens of Kogi State and the Governor with his Deputy have the benevolent and constitutional right to choose who to bless, how to choose and bless, as well as when to choose and where to choose from. So the cheerful recognition and casual promises that are yet to be wholly fulfil should not have pinched Prince Yahaya Audu that much as an Elderly Stateman to the level of coming out to substantiate a baseless factor with his message been centred on the “Blood Affinity” between late Governor Audu, and his town’s Man who the Governor have realized of recent to have him been honored.
In a clearer summary, Alhaji Ibrahim Omale Mohammed who was an addicted follower of late Prince Abubakar Audu explain his untold hardship story of rejection and abandonment after the demise of his favorite political Leader by the political fashion he belong in APC immediately after the death of his principal not until favor finally located him, In person of His Excellency, the Deputy Governor of Kogi State who Immediatly recommended him worthy of the intervention of the Executive Governor of Kogi State, His Excellency Yahaya Bello Adoza for his recognition, rehabilitation and empowerment which have today transformed his life for good in some reasonable ways today.
A reason he described and maintained that His Excellency Edward Onoja is truly his God’s sent destiny helper.
In memory of his late political partner, Alhaji Ibrahim Omale Mohammed was excited with expression of gratitude, when he genuinely went down the memory lane to give credit to his late friend, confidant and leader, the former Governor of Kogi State, Prince Abubakar Audu of blessed memory who brought him to the political arena that knitted his path to form his current fortune with some accolades. It was at this point he conciously called the prince of Niger “Brother” without any hidden reservations other than love and heart of appreciation.
This word “Brother” had become an offence he had committed that warrant Prince Yahaya Audu not to see the beauty and benefits of the favor that his supposing brother have received from the Deputy Governor and the Governor for his celebration.
When has he becomes so confused that he could no longer get himself to control? Why that defensive statement as an African, particularly as a Senior Igala person?
Or is he indirectly begging the current day Government to remember him Prince Yahaya Audu for a favor?
Why going that raw and crude to debunk and distance himself on behalf of Price Abubakar Audu family and political family on such a trivial point to say Alhaji Ibrahim Omale Mohammed an Igala Man of the same tribe, from the same local government and community is not his brother?
Could this not be one of the syndrome that most of the abroad trained persons don’t appreciate the basic bond of Tribal unity and African Brotherhood! When has it becomes compulsory for him to feature himself on media by any quickest opportunity?
Prince Yahaya Audu Oyidih, have further torn the garment of unity, peace and progress of the Igala race by that his singular myopic and sentimental press briefing on that singular word for self gain without realizing what such message could damage, especially when coming from such an expected, reverend Elderstateman like him.
I never like to intrude in other people’s family matters, but I think this is now necessary. The clear reason behind Prince Yahaya Audu level of maturity that he could not manage the children of his late Brother’s family in conflict resolutions as their new father by default or in proxy.
It’s somehow worrisome, that the public witnessed and are still witnessing with surprise how and why two to three brothers of the same parent(s) will be contesting for the same highly exulted position of the state Governor in an election including him Prince Audu Yahaya in the same race without realizing its consequences as an effort ifutility.
The family ambitions that call for public questioning why they couldn’t unite to come up with a consensus candidate right from their home just for the love they have for their late Icon. This is just an advice for the future sake and by the way.
I think it is high time, Prince Yahaya Audu Oyidih, start learning the Igala culture and value system again, as learning is a continuous process. This is eminent, as his current foreign mentality or knowledge about the Igala People will only continue to expose his weaknesses rather than possible advantages. Particularly as he kept dragging political position with his own children and siblings who he ought to stand as a brooding father to guide and counsel them to political fortunes.
I also think that the state of some infrastructures facilitated to Ogbonicha by his late Brother, such as Potable water, LGEA primary school, Eye Hospital, Empty Police Station etc that are in pity state today should be his major concern.
Those are great legacies by the late Governor, his own “blood brother” as he preferred to be addressed that he should think of maintaining them and bringing majority back to life.
He should try to see how development can come to Ogbonicha as a thing of joy regardless of how its comes or through whom it comes nor the Political party and religion. These are the supposing open heart and prayers of an elderly man of his age. Particularly, as he rises to aspire for position in one political party or the other at every political year. My Advice.
I want to thank His Excellency, the Deputy Governor of Kogi State, Edward Onoja and the incumbent Governor, his Excellency Yahaya Bello on behalf of Mohammed Obaka descendants and entire community of Ogbonicha, for being sincere in recognizing the political labour of Alhaji Ibrahim Omale Mohammed to the stability of the All Progressive Congress as a sitting Party in Kogi State since the merger and also stepping in to transform his pathetic condition for a better living standard.
Why I congratulate Alhaji Ibrahim Omale Mohammed, I also wish him God’s right wisdom to associate and do well in any role he might be deemed fit by His Excellencies. We also wish him well that he could sustaind this new phase of upliftment without recuse to fall from Grace to grass.
We also pray that, the Government through His Excellency, Edward Onoja and the Executive Governor both whom he described as his God’s sent destiny helpers to remain faithful and committed to ensure the fulfilment of promises and stability of his political career and that of the general welfare of the Kogi State citizens to remain as their top priority.
Thank you, your Excellencies.
God bless Ane Igala.
God bless Kogi State
Yours faithfully
Aliyu Mohammed Obaka

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