Police nab soldier selling ammunition to kidnappers, 61 others in Kaduna


Kaduna State Police Command has arrested a 32 old Nigerian Army soldier, Lance Corporal Koza Yabiliok for allegedly selling ammunition to suspected kidnappers.
The command has also arrested 61 other criminal suspects for various offences across the state in the last two weeks.
Lance Corporal Yabiliok serving in the military units in Jaji Military Cantonment, Kaduna State told newsmen while he was being paraded by the police that, he sold each of the live ammunition for N400.
He however said, he never knew his customer was a kidnapper until they were arrested by the police. “He told me that, he needed the ammunition for protection of their cattle against rustlers. That is why I sold them to him. I never knew he is a kidnapper.”

Speaking earlier on the arrest, Commissioner of Police, Ali Aji Janga said, the 62 suspects we’re arrested for different crimes ranging from kidnapping, armed robbery, culpable homicide and cattle rustling, among others.
He said different kinds of arms, ammunition and other dangerous weapons and other items including vehicles and drugs were recovered from the suspects.
According to CP Janga, “I invited you here to update you on the Command’s recent successes in combating crime and criminality in Kaduna state within the last two weeks.
“During the period under review, we have continued to intensify a furious manhunt on bandits and other criminals across the command through some carefully planned strategic operations including ‘Operation Puff Adder’ that has been launched by the Inspector General of Police IGP Mohammed Adamu Abubakar NPM, mni and the subsequent on-going Confidence Building Campaign the Command vigorously carry out across the State particularly along our respective Expressways.
“Like I said earlier, the Command has recorded some successes within the past two weeks with the arrest of sixty two (62) suspects on different crimes and belonging to different suspected criminal gangs that terrorize citizens of the State and we have also made recoveries of several exhibits respectively.
“Suspects arrested includes; eight (8) suspects for Criminal Conspiracy, Armed Robbery, Car Snatching and Illegal Possession of Live Ammunition; four (4) suspects for Criminal Conspiracy, Armed Robbery, Kidnapping, Rape, Illegal Possession of Fire Arm and Ammunition and Cattle Rustling; three (3) suspects for Criminal Conspiracy, Causing Hurt, Armed Robbery and Illegal Possession of Fire Arms.

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“Also four suspects we’re arrested for Criminal Conspiracy, Armed Robbery, Homicide and Inciting Disturbance; one (1) suspect for Culpable Homicide; eleven (11) suspects for Criminal Conspiracy, House Breaking and Theft; one (1) suspect for Belonging to Gang of Brigands, Armed Robbery and Kidnapping; five (5) suspects for Criminal Conspiracy, Illegal Possession and Illegal Dealing of Live Ammunition; five (5) suspects for Criminal Conspiracy, Theft and Receiving Stolen Property. “In the same vein two suspects were nabbed for Criminal Conspiracy and Illegal Possession of Dangerous Weapons; six (6) suspects for Criminal Conspiracy, Impersonation, Forgery, and Obtaining by False Pretense; three (3) suspects for Criminal Conspiracy, Inciting Disturbance, Thuggery and Causing Grievous Hurt; eight (8) suspects for Criminal Conspiracy, Drugs Peddling, and having Possession of Dried Leaves Suspected to be Indian Hemp; and one suspect for House Trespass, Theft and Intimidation.
“The suspects are aiding investigation and will be prosecuted on completion of investigations accordingly. On this note, I want to sincerely appreciate the relentless effort of our officers and men in line of duty. I also appreciate the good people of Kaduna State for their continued support to our fight against crime and criminality.

“I want to reassure you of our total commitment to checkmate criminal syndicates and all forms of crimes and criminality in the State.” He said.

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