PHOTOS: Family, Friends gathers to celebrate birthday of Ojonone Nathan Ilona with friendly football match .

Saturday 13th September,2020 marked ten year birthday anniversary of Ojonone Nathan Ilona at Wuse 2, Abuja to celebrate the first son of Managing Director Lona Group of company, Mr Kingsley Idoko Ilona,

Team Barcelona vs Juventus line up during the friendly football match to mark the Nathan @ 10

I’m happy for Ilona family, Ojonone deserve all the happiness in the world because his parents have been good to people around and for those who truly know Mr Kingsley Ilona, can testify that he is a a humble person inside and outside and a caring character.

Congratulations  Mr Kingsley Idoko Lona MD Lona Group of company and happy birthday to our handsome Ojonone , May the Almighty bless Ojonone with a long and fulfilling life. Ojonone you shall fulfill your destiny in good health of mind and body.
Wishing you many happy and prosperous birthdays, that is from Comrade Usman Okai Austin

The birthday celebration ended with a friendly football match between Barcelona and Juventus, as the venue was decorated and designed with the pictures of Lionel Messi and Ojonone with the aura of Barcelona football club kit and logo as food and drink overwhelmed guests who braced the occasion,
The father can be seen smiling broadly and encouraging his son on the pitch with the clip shows the Ojonone and his team mates, with his friends playing a serious football competition.
Here are Some of the photos


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