In my considered opinion Federal government should intervene urgently to resolve the current blockade crisis between the Amalgamated Union of Foodstuffs and Cattle Dealers of Nigeria (AUFCDN) and the Southern states. Allowing the crisis to degenerate to this level is bad enough. And to worsen the situation is the blame game trending on the conventional and social media which is exacerbating emotions and tensions.

There’s no doubt the current faceoff is an extension of symptomic malaise of the Nigerian state, which if ignored to prevail longer certainly has the tendency of determining the federation. The drums of ethnic tensions is sounding louder daily, therefore proactive measures must be taken to avert ugly consequences.

The precedent of payment of compensation established by the Federal Government in 2011 post election crisis under the Chairmanship of Sheik Lemu adopted. Therefore, a committee comprising men of proven integrity it acceptable pedegre for peace and unity should be set up by the Federal Government to ascertain the extent of damages suffered by the victims, then recommends adequate compensation, this should be the immediate response which will calm fry nerves.

Secondly, a stern punitive measure should be imposed on the states that encourage or failed to avert crisis when warning signs were manifest through various intelligence sources. Especially where some of the state chief executives unguided and wreckless utterances instigated the crisis.

The compensations paid by the Federal Government should be deducted from their monthly statutory allocations to served as deterrent to those social architects notorious for fertilising may hem in their domains for Federal Government to take responsibilities.

For the AUFCDN to restort to safe help is syndrome of collapse of the rule of law and justice system which deserves immediate attention by all relevant stakeholders holders to asidiously partner to regain public confidence. This is not time for massaging whatever sentiments and ego but to honestly tackle an existenial threat that will undermine our unity. So I am not on any side but on the side of justice.

Allah ya kawo mana dauki cikin wadanan masaloli amin.

Barister Solomon Dalung

Former Minister of Youths and Sport

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