Ogugu Culture: AGARAMA which is an aspect of traditional marriage in Ogugu land.


AGARAMA which is an aspect of traditional marriage in Ogugu land is portion that involves breaking of cola-nut which is very powerful and dangerous because at this point the spirit of the ancestors are invited to bless and watch over the marriage , from that moment the girl must not have any sexual intercourse (extra-marital marital affairs) with any man except her husband and she is expected to report any sexual harassments or misbehaviors of any man to her husband if need be the necessary steps must be followed to appease the ancestors (IBEGWU) and any case of failure of the girl to observed this conditions could result into the spirit of the ancestors (IBEGWU) inflict her with mysterious ailment until she confesses and appease the gods or die.

It goes further to state that the wife would not receive any property or gift from her ex-boyfriend and by any chance she does, she must tell her husband immediately without keeping the secrete otherwise she will face some of the consequences as stated above.
Because of this, some Ogugu girls and even girls from neighboring villages and other parts of Igala kingdom are afraid of getting married to an Ogugu man due to the fear of the traditions, even as it has some good aspect of keeping an Ogugu woman under control, checks and balance from doing mischief.
Generally, Ogugu woman are expected to be submissive and supportive to their husbands in all aspect and everything she does must be with the consent of her husband. Ogugu women have been known to be of good behavior in their houses because of their upbringings in their various families that had made of the fear of the spirit of the ancestors (IBEGWU) that existed in the land before and after the colonial master. Even after Christianity and Islamic religion was introduced by the colonial masters, Ogugu traditions, norms, values and beliefs could not be change by western civilization because most of the laws are in line with normal laws that guide humanity. Thereafter, Ogugu people are always proud of their descent ways of life.
The story of IBEGWU as regards to Ogugu women marital fidelity has been a subject of discussion among people from different parts of Igala kingdom and neighboring communities. This has led to an unprecedented rush by eligible bachelors from various parts of Igala kingdom and neighboring villages to seek for prospective brides from Ogugu land. Marrying and Ogugu girl has a natural antidote against marital infidelity. All these conditions make Ogugu people to be unique among the various communities in Igala kingdom and Nigeria at large.

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Credit to Prince Adejoh Agada

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