Nigerians are completely in hell in their own country- JS Okutepa


We have no functional system that protects anyone except the few that are lording over us. How do you explain the freedom of violence being exercised by bandits and terrorists unchallenged. Young promising and old men and women are not spared. Lives mean nothing to these terrorists and bandits.

They operate anyhow and anywhere without qualms.

They have no respect for government and Nigerian government appears to be in awe of these bandits. Just yesterday Nigerians woke up to the news of the attacks on the train to Kaduna. Before then Kaduna Airport was reported to have been attacked and someone killed. How did we get here. Press statements are not what Nigerians need. Nigerians need protection from their government and this is what Nigerians want. Today many Nigerians are the government of their own.

They provide everything for themselves. Basic social amenities are not being provided by those who have the duty to provide-Nigerians government. We have no functional educational system. We have no functional justice system that delivers immediate justice to our people. The political environment is so unhygienic and so polluted that no one with decent ideas is allowed and tolerated therein. We have lost our liberties to bandits and terrorists. Even democracy as we practiced has become so adulterated that one wonders why Nigerians are being treated to these theaters of absurdities. Those who planted the seed of these social upheavals will not know peace. The blood of innocent Nigerians being splashed unjustly by inability of government to protect us cry to heavens for vengeance. Why is our intelligence architecture in this total mess.

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Why will bandits and terrorists overwhelmed Nigerians government. Why are we this unlucky in Nigeria. Government all over the world exists to protect the lives and properties of its citizens. I ask, when will Nigerian government protect Nigerians. There is too much killing in our land. There is too much insecurity in our land. The duty of government is to protect it’s citizens. The territorial integrity of Nigeria is in danger. President Buhari must do more than issuing statements of condemnation. These bandits and terrorists have been proscribed. Government should avoid treating them with kids gloves. Enough of these mess and nonsense.

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