Nigeria Visa Ban: You Are setting a dangerous precedent, Amnesty Blasts Trump Over Nigeria VISA


United States of America’s Visa Restrictions policy against Nigeria has provoked the condemnation of Amnesty International.

The Human right group in official statement condemn the action in entirety, urges Trump to reverse the policy.

The Statement Read:

Amnesty International Nigeria condemns President Donald Trump’s expansion of the immigrant visa ban that includes Nigeria and other countries with vulnerable populations fleeing persecution. The ban is discriminatory – and with it the US is setting a dangerous precedent. #Trump
“The ban demonizes the vulnerable from countries affected. It only officialize discrimination and harm those fleeing conflicts, torture and those who simply want to unite with their families in the US. The immigrant visa ban is inhumane, short-sighted and against all human values.”

“We are calling on President Donald #Trump to withdraw the discriminatory immigrant visa and travel ban and uphold US’s commitment to giving opportunities to all without regard to nationality“

OBSERVERS TIMES earlier reported that

Nigeria, Eritrea, Myanmar, Kyrgyzstan, Sudan and Tanzania have been slammed with visa restrictions by the United States of America.

This was announced on Friday night by the US Department of State, adding that under a proclamation signed on Friday by President Trump, citizens from Eritrea, Myanmar, Kyrgyzstan and Nigeria, won’t be allowed to apply for visas to immigrate to the U.S.

Citizens of Sudan and Tanzania are also barred from participating in the diversity visa lottery.

The latest proclamation by President Trump adds to a list of seven countries, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Venezuela and North Korea, that were placed under visa restrictions by the US president in 2017.

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The latest restrictions do not however affect those seeking to enter the US either on business or pleasure from the newly added six countries.

According to the US Government, the new policy was designed to tighten security for countries that don’t comply with the U.S. minimum security standards or cooperate to prevent illegal immigration.

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