Niger cut off water and electricity in the French Embassy, in the French consulates of Zinder and Niamey.


The President of the National Support Committee for the CNSP Elh Issa Hassoumi Boureima asks all partners of the French bases in Niger to suspend all fuel supplies of water and electricity and food products

In the areas of Tera, Oualam, Ayorou, Dosso, Niamey, Filingue and everywhere else.

In addition, the partners who will continue to help the French in the process of supplying the goods and services mentioned above considered enemies of the sovereign people.

We ask Nigelec and SPEN (SEEN)) to cut off water and electricity in the French Embassy, in the French consulates of Zinder and Niamey.

See also  Any Military Intervention in Niger would amount to declaring War on Burkina Faso and Mail,

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