Me and My Son For COVID-19, Gov Akeredolu appoints son as Secretary of response fund


Ondo State Governor, Mr Rotimi Akeredolu has constituted a committee to mobilize resources to combat the COVID-19 pandemic in the state.

The committee known as State Corona virus Response Fund, according to the Governor will generate funds to combat the pandemic.

His son, Babajide will serve as secretary of the seven member committee.

The state commissioner for Information and Orientation, Mr Donald Ojogo said the committee’s mandate, amongst others, is to help mobilize funds, in cash or kind, and manage the efficient and transparent utilisation.

Other members of the committee include: Mr. Kayode Falowo (Chairman), Akin Odumakin – (Vice Chairman) Ms.Cecilia Akintomide, Mr. Segun Fagboyegun and Prof. Adesegun Fatusi.

The Governor while inaugurating the committee said the terms of reference of the committee are to recommend and advise the government on funding strategies and manage funds mobilized.

Others are to identify and contact effective funding channels and sources and carry out any other activities for the success of the project.

He said “the Response Fund Committee will work closely with the State Inter-ministerial Committee and its expected to begin work immediately till the last resolution of the pandemic is achieved. It will equally provide weekly reports and submit a concrete completion report at the end of its activities.”

“For transparency and accountability, the committee will work with Ernst and Young as Fund Advisors, and SIAO Partners will serve as Auditors for the Fund,” he added.

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