May the Significance of El-el-Fitr Guide Humanity- Mohammed A Shiabu FNimn, Ph.D


On behalf of my family and in my own name, I wish the global Muslim community a happy Eid-el-Fitri celebrations

As we may recall, about a year ago, Eid-el-Fitri was celebrated amidst prayers and supplications under unusual circumstances and narratives which were part of a coalition of global responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is only to the glory and praise of the Almighty Allah that as much as the COVID-19 pandemic is yet to be conquered completely by humanity, there have been tremendous developments all of which testify to the supremacy of Allah and His love towards humanity.

My dear brothers and sisters, this Celebration is significant and it is because it is also coming at a time when nations are faced with various degrees of threats to their existence ranging from health emergencies to political instability and even battles against aggression by way of terrorism and violent crimes which painfully has led to the death of many including a sitting President in Africa.

It is against this background that while this Eid-el- Fitri calls for celebration in view of the imminent defeat of a global pandemic, it is also a time for more supplication to the Almighty Allah

I therefore join the Nigerian and global Muslim Ummah to call for more and more prayers as the significance of Ramadan includes empathy, self-control and closer communion with Allah.

As we celebrate, we must keep in sight and mind those in need and remember to lend a hand of help and support to the less privileged.

As we pray, we must also remember one another and more importantly, our nation and leaders in prayers. We must equally reflect in our actions and words the teachings of Ramadan as revealed to Holy Prophet Mohammed; sallallahu alayhi wa salaam in this month and be embodiments of truth and discipline.

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As we navigate these times, it is my prayer that the Almighty Allah bestows on humankind His mercy, grace and benevolence, cause us to prosper and be in good health as our soul prospers and brings us all to our expected end.

Happy Eid-el-Fitr.

Mohammed A Shaibu FNimn, Ph.D.
President, Mohsha Group,

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