Marriage is not an achievement –Uriel Oputa


Tofarati Ige,, 08068792241 (SMS only)
Despite what some might say, former Big Brother Nigeria housemate, Uriel Oputa, maintains that marriage is not an accomplishment. She told Sunday Scoop, “I feel that one’s personal life should be kept private. Your life should be personalised to you, and not anybody else. Because someone got married at 19 or 25 doesn’t mean you must get married at that age. We all have different times. Nigerian men and family members should stop pressurising women into getting married. The divorce rate in the country is very high at the moment. People are rushing out of marriages the same way they rush in. I have a friend who got married and has two kids, but she’s now divorced. And she has to take care of her children. These days, people just get married for the wrong reasons. I would rather stay single than end up marrying the wrong person. Marriage is not an achievement. I did not go to school just to get married.”
The actress also insisted that she had never been under any sort of pressure to lead a ‘fake’ life. She added, “I have never felt pressured to pretend to be what I’m not. I don’t even have a car. But I’m going to buy one before the year runs out. However, I don’t think it’s true that former BBNcontestants are trying to live above their means. It is human nature to want to look good and sell our markets. If former contestants of the show say they are making money, who are we to judge them? We are not in their pockets and don’t know what’s going on in their lives. I don’t have time to exaggerate anything. I always try to be as plain as abc.”

For those expecting her to throw an elaborate wedding when it’s time for her to walk down the aisle, Uriel has a shocker: she wouldn’t even invite friends for the big day! She said, “We need to celebrate the little things. When people get married, it’s so elaborate and colourful with the best food, music, clothing and other things. When I do get married, I’m going to have the smallest wedding ever. I wouldn’t even invite my friends. It is just going to be, my husband and my immediate family (my brothers and my mum).”

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