Managing NBC Through Rejig IGR, Civil Strife, Aftermath Of COVID-19 Pandemic By The Ag Director General Professor Armstrong Aduku Idachaba.


Professor Armstrong Aduku Idachaba is the Ag Director General, National Broadcasting Commission NBC,charge with regulations, establishment and operation of both local and International medium of communication operating in Nigeria through Broadcasting.
Professor Idachaba is a seasoned academic, adminstrator per excellence who joined the services of NBC many decades ago, and rose through the cadre to the top echelon of the commission,an indication of been conversant to all the problems and prospects, that had guarantee a steady progress in the Broadcast regulator.
Armstrong came on board at a ripe period of Management crises and gap of leadership, meant to drive the next level agenda of the present administration of President Muhammadu Buhari, under the supervision of the parent Ministry headed by Alhaji Lai Mohammed,the Minister of Information and Culture.
On assumption of duty as Ag Director General,he live no stone unturned,than swung into action to provide a sane leadership roles, that relive the moral of workers in the organisation,as well as deliver on it’s mandate of regulating information dissemination, in line with the enabling laws and best practices.
The renowned Professor of Dramatic and Communication Arts went ahead to introduce many self sustaining strategies which included ensuring and embarking on rapid revenue drive, laced with transparency and accountability, that led to zero allocation from the Federation account, confirmed by the National Assembly committee for consecutive two years in a row, without budgetary provisions, as well as the propose 2021 budget,not out of sanctions,but for a job well done,rare of many revenue generating agencies in Nigeria.
This remarkable and unique achievements by NBC under Professor Aduku, ensured the refund of excess fund generated in Billions from fees,levies and fines that had sustain the organization in both salaries and allowances of it’s staffers to the coffers of the Federal government.
The NBC helsman had in the years under review, maintained a balance reporting systems from the Broadcast organisation/Houses, in view of the rise in insurgents, prevalent in the North East, Bandits,Kidnappings, killings and civil strife to avoid arousing needless tension capable of setting Nigerians against each other,out of sensational reportage.
No doubt ,the new Broadcast code introduced by the commission attract sanctions to erring Broadcast organisation, rather than total clamp down, in line with civil administration, unlike what was obtainable during the draconian regime, to deter recalcitrant and deliberate way of media houses, instigating one section of the country against another,or rather creating uneasy calm in the polity.
In the last few months, workers welfare and staff motivation had been on the pedestal rise,that attracted genuine productivity geared towards delivering on the mandate of the ongoing reform in the NBC.
Aside sanctions,under the Professor Armstrong Aduku Idachaba led Management, rewards for sincerity of purpose,sane practices and ethics in line with the desire and expectations of good Broadcast in Nigeria is not overlooked,that guaranteed good ethical conducts and exemplary disposition by other sister organsation.
The NBC’s leadership ingenuity prevail on the Federal government on the need to provide soft landing through financial palliatives to Broadcast organisation in Billions in Nigeria,soon after the COVID-19 lockdown, that had affected adversely the perfomance of most media houses, especially the private ones in carrying out their programs during the global pandemic, that stood still all activities world wide.
This had assisted in great measure to ameliorate the operational hazards,running costs,salaries and other pressing and routine activities of the Boradcast organisation, to keep them in operation and maintain the standard of various media houses.
Under Professor Armstrong, strict compliance to the prerequisites of establishing new broadcast houses and enabling environment must be observed, as part of the of the operational guidelines so as to enable ethical standards and practices.
The influx of new Broadcast Houses seeking for liencences to operate under the leadership of Professor Armstrong Aduku Idachaba is on the rise,and highly competitive, in line with the deregulation policy of the National Broadcasting Commission, NBC as a result of the favourable environment for the proliferation of new Broadcast organisation.
This positive developement in NBC in the last two years, under the supervision of Professor Armstrong Aduku Idachaba had guaranteed high hope by both Management and staff of many broadcast organisation operating in the country in the last few years, and those in line to establish more of this outlets that will provide job opportunities, favourable business environment,and other ancillary programs to thrive in the country.
On the whole,The Idachaba led leadership had provided a robust image and sustain the existing feat and trade mark of the NBC, that was subject to adulteration and deviation in the years under review before his ascension
No doubt,the relationship between the Board and Management as well as the supervising Ministry had been cordial, and seamless to the pride of the current political Leadership in the Ministry.
This positive developement, if sustained through the current leadership of the NBC, will further advance more policies that will initiate a major breakthrough to the pride of the policy makers, Nigerians expectations,as well as the Broadcast Industry.
Abubakar Yusuf Is A Public Affairs Analyst and can be reached on 08138238476

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