LG Election; ACD Chairmanship Candidate,Dekina Local Government,Okpanachi Justice Says The Process Fell Short Of Democratic Norms



ACD Chairmanship Candidate in Dekina local government in the last local government election in Kogi state, Okpanachi Justice says it is unfortunate that the third tier of government is gradually eroded in Nigeria.

The ACD candidate bare his mind at the back drop of the conduct of the last local government election in Kogi,maintaining the dillapidated and decapitation of opposition elements not only in Kogi state ,but the entire Nigeria politics.

Justice Rejects in totality,the process and conducts of the last local government election in the state,saying it feels short of expectations.

‘An election is a formal group decision-making process by which a population chooses an individual or multiple individuals to hold public office. Elections have been the usual mechanism by which modern representative are selected by it compatriot ..’

He maintained that the will of the people has completely been taken over by self seeking politicians and power mongers at the corridor who does not believe in mass participation.

‘Today i will vividly say that the last year LGA polls at Kogi state , was done out of the will of the people, instead it was done at the will of political party, forceful voters/votes ,and manipulated polls..
Where the purpose of the election was sold out, to a mandate of the political party…’

He expressed shock and reservation on this sad developement in Kogi state,stating that he is still battling to get over the unfortunate developement Kogi state is always know for.

‘As an aspirant representing the Dekina LGA and ACD, I was dumbfounded at what happened within my Constituents, because my people voted their choice, but the poll came out at the incumbent party choices(God father System of Election).
I Honorable Okpanachi hereby affirm that the Election was full of electoral malpractices…’

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He urged the entire people of Kogi state especially the opposition family to reject in it’s entirety the conduct and outcome of the last council elections in Kogi state

‘I call on the good people of Dekina LGA and other 20 LGA in Kogi state to call for a cancellation of the just concluded Kogi State LGA Polls.’

Justice advised the aggrieved party’s to approach the local government election tribunal to get justice in this day light robbery called election in the state.

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