Kyari; Pioneering NNPC Into A Profit Oriented Corporation To Better Nigeria’s Economy. By ABUBAKAR YUSUF

For over the decades, the record breaking and historic profit stead driven by the current NNPC Ltd was unimaginable, as a whopping N287B was realized as profit by the high profile organisation under the management of Engineer Mele Kolo Kyari in the midst of the global health challenges of COVID, it’s resultant effects of lockdown, economic recession, Endsars and other unforseen circumstances.

This unique feat was coming at a time when the precarious situations in Nigeria along with unabated global recession was prevalent in almost of all facets our national life became obvious and challenging.

The drive for multiple investments combined with life long projects that will sustain not only the corporation but it’s efforts at funding the monthly federal account allocation committee FAAC , along with other outlets of the corporation.

This is coming at a time the Petroleum Industry Bill PIB transmuted to the Petroleum Industry Act PIA after it’s passage by the National Assembly, to ensure equitable management and allocations to oil producing states in addition to the statutory 13 percent derivationvto address frequent crises.

Kyari’s initiatives particularly the life long project of Ajaokuta- Kaduna-Kano gas pipeline project that will transform not only the use of gasoline, but create more job opportunities to Nigerians in the midst of unemployment rates put at 33% by NBS.

The multi billion dollar project debuted by the President, Muhammadu Buhari will go along way to ameliorate gas wastages, gas flaring and conversion of gas to other uses from Ajaokuta to other neighboring states of Nigeria for easy conversion and usage.

Inaugurated in 2020, the award winning Mele Kolo Kyari had achieved a greater percentage in the AKKP pipeline project, that will gradually be extended across the country and beyond.

Kyari’s efforts at promoting internal discipline and workers welfare was the result of the numerous initiatives and achievements that covered all it’s activities.

His efforts at restoring further sanity and profitability to the organization also affected positively the retail outlets of the corporation, that was bedeviled with corruption, diversion and all other sharp practices, but ended with high profit margin ,with regular supplies and sales of petroleum products that had reduced to the barest minimum fuel scarcity, as well as sale of fuel at exorbitant rates, black market and unofficial price became a thing of the past.

This is in addition to the fortified security arrangements to address pipeline vandalism across the country, that had reduced to the barest minimum the activities of illegal bunkerers, pipeline vandalisation, both in the oil producing states, and depot’s, as well as along the pipelines.

Engineer Mele Kolo Kyari strong belief in transparency and accountability had not only addressed corruption in the system, but in the chain of distribution of petroleum products that had addressed frequent scarcity and artificial scarcity ,as the corporation made it a point of duty to announced and counter announcement to avoid panic buying and sharp practices across the country.

The development had doused speculations and rumours that was normally characterised petroleum products and chain of distributions, scarcity across the country.

The continuous advocacy of the future of the passage of Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB), and it’s potentials, the inauguration of the new board of NNPC ltd , will create an enabling environment for the future of petroleum industry in Nigeria.

Kyari diversified the activities of the NNPC ltd to building infrastructures in Nigeria with the award of multi billion naira road projects across the six geopoltical zones in the country to the tune of N621B to address the incidence of bad roads, accidents and activities of kidnappers and bandits across the Nigeria, as a result of poor conditions of roads across the country.

The new Initiatives by Engineer Mele Kolo Kyari in NNPC ltd will go along way to ameliorating the growing dearth of our roads and infrastructural developement across the country.

Abubakar Yusuf Is A Media Consultantant, Writes From Abuja.

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