Kwankwaso’s Tricks to Destabilize PDP Ahead of his Decamping to NNPP



It may be recalled that Engineer Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso convened a meeting of The National Movement (TNM) a platform he claimed was a non-partisan political pressure group consisting of his friends and political associates on 22-02-2022, when in fact it was a clear indication of his intention to decamp from the opposition PDP to another party as events since have indicated with his active courting of NNPP.

A Week before, the PDP Kano State Chairman in the person of Shehu Wada Sagagi in a meeting convened at Kwankwasos Miller Road residence (18th February, 2022) was clearly heard Pledging his total Support and Loyalty on behalf of all Party Structures Right from the Ward to State Level for the leader of Kwankwasiyya to Decamp to any party of his Choice. (audio provided)

To my utter surprise though, just a few days later on a radio program I heard the same Sagagi Denying all those words of support he uttered in the presence of his boss during their Stake Holders Meeting. In the interview with Express Radio in Kano on March 3rd, 2022 Sagagi Said “After wide Consultations we the leadership of PDP in Kano state unanimously resolved to remain in PDP. Our Leadership from ward to State Level are going to stay in the PDP and we wouldn’t be following Kwankwaso to any other party, it is at this juncture I’m appealing to the NWC of the PDP to sit down with Kwankwaso and Resolve Differences in an amicable manner”

These two different approaches of Sagagi within Four day’s shows that Kwankwaso is still interested in causing chaos and disunity in PDP even after he has made it abundantly clear he is leaving the party before the end of march as attested by him in his recent interview with the BBC. From all indication he is by this action directing his Allies to destabilize the good fortune of the PDP ahead of the 2023 General Elections as their loyalty cleary lies with him not the party.

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On his part, the Leader of Kwankwasiyya during the same Stake Holders Meeting said his move to Convene The National Movement (TNM) and his desire to leave the PDP was due to the North West Congress crisis, with due respect I can categorically say that this statement is false. It is a known fact that Kwankwaso alone during the last purported state congresses (Kwankwasiyya Faction) wrote the leadership of PDP in kano state last year comprising of 17 party leaders Across 484 Wards, 17 local government executive of 44LGA’s of the state, About 27 executive leaders of 3 Senatorial Districts and the State Executive. Roughly Kwankwaso has Almost 9000 Party Positions in his fold in Kano Plus 3 out of 4 Zonal and National Exco Allocated to Kano. We can clearly understand that his planned defection has nothing to do with the North West Congress but his personal mission to change his status from a perpetual Presidential aspirant to that of a presidential Candidate at all cost. If not how can you justify leaving over a single position when clearly he has full control of the party machinery in the state? How can any rational person reconcile such a scenario.

To buttress the point above it seems Kwankwaso is afraid of what happened to him in Rivers State during the 2019 Presidential Primary as well as the 2015 Lagos APC primaries, where in the former he polled 4th with only 158 Votes out of 3500 Votes. In his recent meeting held on the 6th of march 2022 he can clearly be heard referencing this bitter experience, stating that all congresses are planned and he was never invited to be part of the collective hence he was left to his own devices and that’s why he lost the support of the majority of the delegates. By this admission he has proven his incapability of garnering enough support within both the PDP and APC to succeed in clinching the presidential ticket. This proves that his grouse with the PDP is purely based on his personal ambition not any slight as he is suggesting.

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Finally, I’m appealing to the National Working Committee of PDP to use the power bestowed upon them by the Constitution of the Party (2016 as Amended) to dissolve the leadership of PDP in Kano State and it’s entirety for the reasons and fears stated above if the party is to succeed in the 2023 elections especially that of kano state.

My appeal also to Kwankwaso and his Allies is to leave Kano State PDP alone, to stay away from PDP and Concentrate in building their New party NNPP.

Comrade Muzakkir Rabiu
March 9th, 2022

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