Kogi ; STESCOM Leadership Accuse Of Indiscriminate Posting Of Principals Of Schools In Kogi East; Group



Frequent redeployment of Secondary Schools Principals in the Eastern part of the state has came under heavy criticism by Kogi Renaissance .

This developement became noticeable as such administrative decision by the leadership of STESTCOM is not applicable to the Central and Western Senatorial districts.

Reports monitored by Abdullahi mahdi says the leadership of Kogi state Science Technical Education and Teaching Service Commission. (STETSCOM),are deep neck in sharp practices that led to unceremonious and frequent removal of Principals of secondary schools in the area,through transfer from one school to another.

‘What.they do is Principals of schools with low population bribe STESTCOM officials to be posted to schools with high population, not considering the duration of the earlier posting’

‘A cartel is already formed in the STESTCOM that front for the Chairman of the Commission, for this erratic and new norm in the service.’

‘This ugly developement is only prevalent in the Eastern part of the state living out the West and Central part to enjoy robust education system, and disrupt learning activities in the East’

‘Principals of schools now engage in mopping out funds to engage officials of STESTCOM for this ugly decision”

‘This developement has affected smooth administration of the affected schools and learning, since it is believe that schools with more students population makes more money during the GCE/NECO examination from illegal fees’

‘We here by appeal to the state Commissioner for Education and the authority concern to desist from such unprofessional conducts of erratic removal of school principals in Kogi east’ Mahdi said.

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