In recent time, ibegwu has been one of the most discussed topic on the Facebook and if it was to be made a hashtag it would have been at the top.. contrary to what many portray ibegwu to be, I will like to highlight some few things about ibegwu since my root is from ogugu… As regards whether is biblical or not, a true Christian would know ibegwu is not biblical as it does not followGod’s way of judgement (and it was written, thoug shall worship no other gods except me) but in all of these we defend ibegwu because it defends morality, honest, stands against marital infidelity, killing of ones brother, falseful accusation of partner over infidelity, betrayal, abortion and lots more( the most hated part of their judgement is the fact that they don’t leave vegeance to God and they are at times biased in their judgement as their concentration is majorly on the male children)..

This is our culture, tradition and norms.. your faith and position in God’s word won’t save you from ibegwu, reason is.. whatever thing ibegwu stands against are things the Bible stands against also, the unholy things . And ones a man sineth he becomes exposed/vonurable to devil…

. abortion: from my earliest part of this write up, I wrote about how ibegwu concentration is basically on the male child.. as the male child of ogugu land, regardless of the country or place of domicile, you are not allowed to give pills, give money or your consent to wife or girlfriend to commit abortion.. this means, you are killing a chilling who would have probably be born to make ogugu land great again.. the female child can do this and won’t be harmed. Why? Concentrations and their investigation is on the male child, most times the evil committed by women are not traced until the men have hands in it.. is just like FBI when investigating fraud, focus is on the offender not the general public.

  1. Marital infidelity: always know whose their focus is, the male child; it’s through them the affairs of their wives are been traced… Since they have no watch on the wife he can continue his extra marital affairs without been harmed but just once the husband is aware and keep quiet it will be assumed that he gives his consent to it especially when he eats the food cooked by the woman..an assumption that he pushed his wife into prostitution to feed the family.. then he is hit down by sickness, and failure to confess his stupidity or his wife doing same will lead to death.. in some cases where the husband is totally unaware for quite a long time, they will first kill their first born, a warning to the woman since all women mostly love their children(this is the part where their judgement is biased, remember I said they are not godly they only keep morality).

Family planning: this will choke, Ibegwu are lovers of children, they embrance oneness, and love population.. it’s said in my dialect that “anonē ta-anōkō le” which means “one with People is greater than one with money”.. hence they don’t allow family planning.. even some elders in the village would ask you.. they no the born pikin nai them born you? But in all of this people still do family planning either through their wives without their consent or go to their root and explain condition and get granted.

  1. Killing of your brother: listen carefully, ibegwu do not fight open fight rather things done in the secret.. ones you said and do it publicly.. they will leave the people around you to judge you according to their rules.. they fight evil done in the secret. As an ogugu man or woman.. you are not allowed to by charm, medical poisoning, or physical means to kill to your brother.. if Kane and. Abel were ogugu, it was ibegwu that would have killed Kane for calling his brother to the bush and killed him.. if the brother of Joseph were ogugu, they would have had to confess to their father of their brother whereabout else they would have died.. if Jacob was ogugu, he would have been arrested by ibegwu for trying to take the glory of Isau his brother.. they lots of such crimes committed in the Bible that would have been redressed in ibegwu’s way… As a matter of fact, if you are in a place where they plan on killing your brother or a person your land, whether you are part of the plan or not but failed to share . Ibegwu will hold your respimonsible for his death.. one of the loved part is, they don’t wait until the person is killed before taking actions. They prevent it from happening .
  2. Blood money: most ogugu people have their money with clean Hands, if you see any ogugu man that’s a ritualist, trace his root.. he has probably stayed too long in the land to be considered ogugu son.. hiss origin, I mean his father is not an ogugu man.. all the few ones I know who have attempted ritual never live to enjoy their wealth..

  3. Stealing: ibegwu forbids a wife of ogugu son stealing from his husband.. you can’t take your husband’s money without prior informing him or getting his consent, it’s believes once a lady marries a man all she owns belongs to his husband even her own personal money.. a wife of ogugu man can not secretly own a property his husband is unaware of.. there are many other things ibegwu stands to correct or redress but for the sake of this write up I will limit them to these few most discussed topic…

Most of the ladies standing against this know how bad and sour their character is and some of the men supporting the women are probably doing it for social media validation or trying to declare their faith but in all of these, if you were ogugu considering what you have read, would you abolish such tradition?
at this point ojbest drops his pen.. I beg to be corrected where I am wrong

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