KOGI GUBER: “My Mission Is Solely To Liberate Kogi State.” Dr Adoji

These topic has been instigated by two things,one is the large need to reintroduce the vision and mission of the mandate to the people all over again and another is the large effort to score home certain political points that might have been ignored by other aspirants,especially now that we draw even closer to the primary elections.
Dr Victor Alewo Adoji as an individual has always been known for his accessible kind of relationship with the people,his simplicity and dogged resilience towards life,as an elite he has study closely the need to be patriotic and committed to the course of his nation and that of his state and people at large.
To him everybody has a role to play in nation building and citizenry does not end at having a passport(national identity card) of a nation rather it begins and end with what one is willing to contribute to the growth of his or her nation – this strong effort to contribute his quarter to the development of the people has always been the central force behind his political aspiration.
*Often time Dr Victor Alewo Adoji has always held his grounds and insist that leadership is not just being the head of a people,but also the tail end of a society,it is through these both positions that a leader could and can properly meet the yearnings of those who he has been elected to lead.*
As a state we have always wished and hoped for a well refined leader who will not just be bothered about our future but will have a better approach to how this future could be assuage – this young democrat is not just refine leader in all sense,but a man who is driving by the heavy passion to bring development to the people and salvage the pathetic conditions of the masses who have been impoverished over the years.
The person of Dr Victor Alewo Adoji is a strong reflection of this position,the aspirant through his comprehensive knowledge of the daily challenges of the people does not only suite every leadership office,but also qualifies to be a guide which could serve as a blue print upon which a better future could be drafted out for the good people of Kogi state.
If we pretend that we are not bothered by the several challenges that has always been on the increase since the creation of the state then we are not been fair to our self,such compounding issues that always makes all the lines in many articles article demands a more stronger and lasting responds which is only possible through a mandate that has a first hand information on every single challenge the state is being faced with.
As one of the very few modern politician who has been in direct touch with the people and their daily realities he has all the needed information and if voted into power will strongly hit the ground running,we know the delegates have the final say as to who leads them,but we also know that this delegates are part of those been oppressed today and are also in the quest for liberation.
He is a man who has a good knowledge on how best to provide basic amenities,and will not do this through guess and consideration,rather it will be done out of necessity,this aspirant will be able to tell which goes here and which goes the other way because of his personal first hand knowledge about the people and what they really need.
We have witness poor distribution of basic amenities and it has made this amenities more useless than useful,such lapses are the products of little or no knowledge of the daily challenges of the people and the candidacy of Dr Victor Alewo Adoji through its verse relationship with the grassroot will ensure that such mistake does not occur.
As an individual who believes in equal right,fair play and justice,his idea has always centred around opportunity for all,which is also another way of saying a better society is only a society where the poor and the rich are all given similar regards,similar play ground and none is discriminated at any point.
Kogi state has over the years field leaders who only serve the stakeholders,the natives with affluence,the partisans and the godfathers,ignoring the poor masses who needs more attention than the aforementioned,but through such an aspirant who believes that leader ship and opportunities should not be segregated  but rather be made available for all,the growth in the state will no longer be one sided,but balanced and more accessible by those who are really in need of these amenities and development.
Dr Victor Alewo Adoji has always argued that infrastructural development will give the people a future,to him these form of development is the most suitable for the constituency to bank on at a time like this when the economy of this nation falls more than it rises,through your vote such beautiful idea will be imputed into the constituency by attracting investors and ensuring that they invest directly into the economy of the constituency.
This is also another way to address the lingering issue of unemployment,we know that the state alone can not provide employment for all its natives,but by attracting investors down to the constituency to build their industries skilled and unskilled labour will be employed.
As about the tail end of last year an approximate of 78% of persons living in Kogi state are all unemployed,with such a large figure of unemployment there is no way poverty in the state will be properly address,even if the people are giving food and clothes every day,the suffering will continue.
The candidacy of Dr Victor Alewo Adoji is never a journey just come,or an over night decision,but a quest born out of the large effort to see a better Kogi state,where the people of the state can at least have a better taste of life.
It is born out of the common sympathy that sprouts out when one sees his own people wallowing in abject poverty basically because those whom they allowed to lead them decided to exploit them.
It is a mandate born out of the inability to fold hands and continue to watch the torturing of those he call his people,if not for the fact that they deserve more at least for posterity sake.
The emergent of Dr Victor Alewo Adoji is triggered up by the personal quest to do more for the people,every true philanthropist will always seek for better opportunities to reach out the more to the people.
This is who we are clamouring for,this is the only aspirant who can set things right in Kogi state,this is the vision we can really bank on to deliver the present day Kogi state.
Let us do it with the only aspirant who is people oriented,let us do it with some one reliable,let us do with Dr Victor Alewo Adoji.
*Team Adoji*

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