
Happy Birthday Khalifa Abdulrahaman Okene, founder of Khalifa Cares Foundation, the trailblazer
you have been a source of encouragement to so many, a detribalize Kogites, a man with kind heart.
I celebrate you,Not just because it is your birthday today; I have uncountable reasons to celebrate you everyday. I only chose to let you know about it today, being your birthday. May you live long to enjoy the fruits of your labour, great man.
As he turns new year today , I strongly believes that the entrepreneur’s greatest investment has been in the development of people and communities, clearly evident in the Khalifa Care’s Foundation which started with scholarships and fellowships, and now trains a new generation of business leaders across the state.
I prayed that the Almighty God will grant Khalifa Okene longer life, more ideas and renewed vigour to pursue his dream of making life better for others.
Usman Okai Austin
Happy Birthday.
Usman Okai Austin

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