June 12 Protest: Buhari has beaten Nigerians enough and Nigerians must cry in the language they understand – Usman Okai Austin



Democracy is the oil of the wheels of any civilize society. Democracy as a system of government is not perfect but regardless, it gives the citizens the avenue to either express their approval or vent their frustration with their government and its policies; and peaceful protest is one.

The planned protest by some groups against the state of affairs in the country must be allowed to proceed seamlessly. It is the fundamental right of the people of any democratic country to protest against policies of government that they deem detrimental to their wellbeing – so far, the president Buhari led administration has put the Nigerian calender back by his divisive rhetoric and by his legendary mismanagement of our economy. In this vein, what the Buhari government should do is to make sure peaceful protesters enjoy the umbrella of State security while the protesters on their part must make sure the protest does not degenerate into anarchy. You can’t beat a child and expect the child not to cry – Buhari has beaten Nigerians more than enough and the least he owe Nigerians is to allow Nigerians to cry in the language they understand – peaceful protest.

The eyes of the international community is on Nigeria. The democratic gains we have made must be consolidated not thwarted in a mood of militant machismo by the Buhari administration. This administration North Korea style approach to governance must be condemned by all men of good reasoning and conscience. If the Lekki protest has taught us any valuable lesson, it would be that, it is dangerous for governments to militarize peaceful protest. The People Democratic Youth Frontier in a statement signed by the National Cordinator called Comrade Usman Okai Austin CNA call on the government to avoid a repeat of the Lekki mistake. It will be recalled that the violent approach by this administration in containing secessionist protest in the East contributed to the climate of violence in that part of the country today.

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The PDP Youth Frontier call on the administration of president Buhari to ensure that the security agencies adhere to democratic best practice in managing the protest and must not thwart nor resort to violenntly dispersing the protesters – but must make full provision for the protection of peaceful protesters.

June 12 is an auspicious day in the annals of Nigeria history. Our brave and patriotic country men and women paid the ultimate price for the institutionalization of an open society. The least the government of president Buhari owe the protesters is to ensure they exercise their constitutional right without fear of intimidation or arrest- anything other than that will be a disrespect for the struggle of MKO Abiola and other pro democracy activists who lost their life in the struggle for a democratic Nigeria.

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