“Ikeoha Global – A Parliamentarian Paragon~Comr Akpa Francis




H.E Sen Prof. Ike Ekweremadu CFR is not one of your run-off-the-mill politicians. In many ways, he is head and shoulders above several others in the game. He has confirmed that he is one of the few who play politics with human face.

Ikeoha Global started politics as a local government chairman and rose to become the first pioneer Chief of Staff to Enugu State Governor and later the Secretary to the State Government. It is no secret that this great achiever has soared higher on the wings of his uncommon brilliance and acumen to become the Deputy Senate President of Nigeria, Deputy Speaker ECOWAS Parliament, Speaker ECOWAS Parliament, Leader South East Senate Caucus and Africa Chief Coordinator International Parliamentary Congress ( IPC ) etc.

While the forgoing may not be news, especially to those who have been following his story with interest, he is an erudite scholar, humble and brilliant politician with unparalleled love for fellow human beings. With his actions, H.E Distinguished Sen. Prof Ike Ekweremadu seems to have entered a vow to be committed to the course of humanity, an attitude that makes him unable to stand the sight of his fellow human being in distress or wants.

H.E Sen Prof. Ike Ekweremmadu is a focused, courageous, competent, and experienced leader cum accomplished parliamentarian, a statesman par excellence, a quiet achiever, dependable democrat and a core intellectual in politics.

Ekweremadu’s infrastructural transformation, charity outreach, and empowerment exploits deserve emulation and celebration, and accomplished legislator who believes in good laws and rule of law as the real foundation for any constitutional democracy.

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Your Excellency, the immeasurable and invaluable contributions you have made to both local, national and international development is indelible in the minds of Nigerians.

Your life symbolizes the assured reward for single-minded commitment to the ideals of diligence, humility, perseverance, focus and dedicated service, you have through quality representation shown empathy and relief where before had existed frustration, despair, animosity and deprivations. You have indeed touched numerous lives, wiped tears and put smiles on countless faces of both men and women.

“Permit me to state that among the Nigerian Senators, both the former and serving, even your detractors concede that Your Excellency, Sen Prof. Ike Ekweremadu CFR, is most outstanding. It is incontrovertible that Enugu State has a Senator with exceptional vision and reflective intellectual prowess; a man with strong ethical persuasion, purveyor of superior morals and a veritable source of pride and inspiration”.

Above all, he is a gentleman par excellence, a team player, a God-fearing leader, a man of uncommon resilience and legendary humility.

Your Excellency, may heaven’s light continue to cast its shade on you and may the guards of angel encompass you as you march on!

Ndi Enugu, Better Days Ahead 💯💯💯

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