ICDA CRISIS: Attah Igala Dissolved ICDA NEC and BoT


The unedited state read :
The Attah Igala, His Royal Majesty Idakwo Michael Ameh Oboni II, has noted with concern, recent events in the foremost Igala Socio-cultural organization, the Igala Cultural and Development Association (ICDA) and the array of activities of the Association in recent times that fall short of the age long aspirations of the Igala Kingdom. The Paramount Ruler particularly notes the wranglings between the ICDA NEC and BOT over the proposed hosting of an Annual General Meeting (AGM) and grant of Honour Awards to some prominent Igala sons and daughters. Based on the foregoing, HRM Michael Idakwo Ameh Oboni II has directed that both the NEC and BOT members currently serving in the Association should step aside temporarily for peace to reign in the Association and reconciliation of all contending interests. Similarly, he has directed postponement of the proposed AGM until resolution of all issues in contention between the NEC and BOT. Meanwhile, HRM has endorsed constitution of a Caretaker Committee to run affairs of ICDA in the interim.
The Paramount Ruler expressed his desire to see a united and progressive Association that will contribute to the unity and development of Igala land, Kogi State and Nigeria in general.

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