How An Officer Planted Bullets In My Car To Implicate Me:


On my way to Zuba to fix my car, a police officer stopped me and requested I give him a lift.

Since he was going my way, I agreed.

Few minutes away from where I picked him, he requested I stop the car that he forgot something at home.

I did.

Driving off, my spirit became restless. A voice kept saying stop the car and search the chair he sat on.

Stubbornly I kept driving and shockingly the car started jerking so I had no choice than park. I came out and went to the passenger seat to check and surprising, I found something strange planted on the seat.

It was a bullet.

That car was thoroughly washed by my gateman before I left home. How that bullet got to my chair was unknown to me.

The only option I had was to throw the bullet into the bush and continued my journey.

Just like 5 minutes away, I saw 4 police officers with an old car by the roadside. It wasn’t a police official vehicle. There were 4 cars ahead and some behind. They allowed the cars ahead to pass then stopped the car directly in front of me so they could use that to stop me.

Immediately I packed, they asked me to come down from the car for them to search. They didn’t go somewhere elsewhere but directly on that chair the police officer I carried, had sat on.

I opened my car trunk but none of them was interested to check it. After like 5minures of searching, they went to a side and I was carefully eavesdropping them.

One said “call him if he is sure he kept it there”
He made the call then came back to search. They almost brought down the chair.

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In my heart, I was saying Holy Spirit thank you for not allowing the devil to feast on me. Frustrated, they asked me to give then anything for breakfast.

I had some money in my pocket but I refused to hand them any evidence before they charge me for trying to bribe a police officer on duty. .

Living in Nigeria is a skill you seriously need to acquire. A lot of people are in correctional facilities for no crime committed.

If lawyers could come together and decide to depopulate our correctional facilities offering their services to those who cannot afford legal services, you will be shocked many of the people in Nigerian correctional services, don’t know how they got there.

They angrily asked me to get out of their face and I drove my car away, looking at how disappointed they were through my side mirrors.

Sometimes we grumble at the things God is yet to do for us. If you know the things He does daily without us knowing, you will kneel and ask Him for forgiveness.

God Never Forgets!

-Dr. Bakia T Thomas
Neighbourhood Child Foundation

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