Governor Samuel Ortom Inspects 60 Additional Transformers For Distribution To Communities by Jimmy Geoffrey In Markurdi


Governor Samuel Ortom today inspected 60 additional units of transformers procured by his administration through the Ministry of Rural Development and Cooperatives.
The Governor who carried out the inspection at the ministry’s headquarters in Makurdi, the Benue State capital, also directed the distribution of the transformers to various communities across the state.
He said though the transformers were not enough to serve all the communities in need of the commodity across the state, they would go a long way in providing electricity supply to many communities.

According to Governor Ortom, the 60 transformers would be given to some communities that had made requests while others would be used for ongoing rural electrification projects being executed by the ministry.
Commissioner for Rural Development and Cooperatives, Engr. Victor Ukaha, said some of the transformers are 33KV while others are 11KV for communities.

He stated that among the 33KV transformers, there are 25 units of 500KVA, 10 units of 300KVA and five units of 200KVA, while the 11KV transformers have 10 units of 500KVA and five units each of 300KVA and 200KVA respectively.
Governor Samuel Ortom also inspected facilities at the Makurdi International Market during which he promised to relocate traders occupying makeshift shops in the market to the International Market.
The Governor was accompanied on the inspection by the Deputy Governor, Engr. Benson Abounu and some of his commissioners.

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