EXPOSED: The Real Truth About The Man & Woman In The Prison Video Has Been Revealed


Ever since a video of a south African prison warden and a inmate doing some of the most despicable things on camera, South African people had quite a lot of things to say.

Alot of people seemed to believe this prison warder was taking advantage of the inmate since she is the one in power. Well that is not the case.

Now the truth about the personal relations between the inmate and prison warder has been revealed. It has been said that the pair actually have a way more complex relationship that exceed a professional relationship between a warder and an inmate. They are apparently Husband and Wife.



They have been married for a number of years and thier relationship went through a rough patch when the Husband was arrested. Somehow he went to the same prison whereby his wife is an employee and the whole thing let to the video that is currently making rounds in on social media.

To alot of people the fact that the Husband captured a video of himself and his wife in such a conditions makes the entire situation draining and unbelievable because basically this means this man did something that might end his wife’s job.

Does the recent discoveries mean the man and women didn’t commit any offense? Well that is according to a Twitter user who believes the pair is just doing what married couples do. Another person seemed to agree. However he still stated that according to code of conducts, they shouldn’t have done what they did.


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