ÈTÓLO AGBÉJI by Jacob Unekwu


the dry meat that fills the mouth,
úna ki má nee ki ko n
In igala land,there are
only two drummers.
Hear me well,I said –
there are only two drummers.
Baba Etólo and the rest.

Kpan!!! kpan!!! kpan!!!
Only us who have heard him,
Only us who have stayed up at night with him,
Only us can describe him,
Oh Baba Etólo
Obö Alúbésa,Òmi Akelé – Òmi yebé yebé.

Ikéké Agbéji
I bring you homage,
rhythm of the night,
I bring you greetings,
your own has come before you,
carrying a new wrapper,
a Cock with scattered feathers,
Seeds of alligator pepper,
And Ulòko to greet you.

created by
Jacob Unekwu Agada,
the author:EBULÉJONU
Idah,Kogi state.

Photo credit: Facebook.

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