Editorial: Partnering Sectors To Drive Social Security Through Developement Bank of Nigeria DBN.



Developement Bank of Nigeria DBN statutorily charged with mitigating MSME’s activities through funding along with several informal businesses has again divested into series of partnerships with both private and public conglomerates, to address the growing dearth of infrastructural developement and social stratification.

The new feat is coming at a time when there is downturn both in economic, infrastructural and other key components that had precluded social advancement in line with the present realities.

Determined on it’s core mandate consisting of the three pronged line of activities of granting access to underserved MSME’s, provision of partial credit guarantee along with deploying capacity building through the Primary Finance Institutions PFIs and Micro,Small and Medium Enterprises MSME’s Buisnesses.

The new areas being explored ,partnered, encouraged and supported by DBN will trigger all round developement in Nigeria that will encourage upsurgd in both local and foreign investments,as well create an enabling environment for exploration, exchanges between Nigeria and developed countries.

The recent collaboration with Rural Electrification Agency REA,a government and public sector agency charged with provision of both conventional and alternative electricity generation all round the country,will go along way to ameliorating the problems of epileptic power supply and generation that had affected greatly the thriving MSME’s businesses including the large scale activities weighed by running costs.

REA with government,private sectors and foreign investors supports has not only improved electricity generation to the rural areas in Nigeria,but also begun the process of providing alternative power through the solar energy systems, that guaranteed 24 hours and all round provision of light/ energy to all nooks and crannies of Nigeria.

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The agency’s planned electrification of the 774 local government Headquarters along with major towns and villages will be corroborated by the initiatives of Development Bank of Nigeria DBN, to partner the prospective agency in providing overall developement through conventional and model/alternative energy provisions.

Already,through concerted efforts,public procurement,political office holders constituency projects,REA has provided electicity to these areas along with alternative solar energy to forestall energy crises.

The ongoing intervention and partnership by the DBN will further stabilised the planned provision of both electicity and alternative power across to Nigerians, capable of encouraging the targeted MSME’s,skill and capacity building and developement activities in Nigeria.

Aside provision of the two end light generation in both urban and rural areas in Nigeria along with it’s stability, DBN will also discourage rural urban migration of key economic actors in MSME’s like artisans and others,to forestall growing social problems as a result of frequent migration from rural to urban areas.

DBN will also affect stability in all areas of human endeavors, with a reliable provision of light and alternative energy to the society,there by bringing about positive results both in economic,social and Infrastructural developement in Nigeria.

Without limitations,the private sectors as the bane of economic stability was also not left behind by the Developement Bank of Nigeria DBN,as the efforts of the management to collaborate with notable private sector conglomerates with many decades strides, is another right step in the right direction.

MOE+Art Architecture,ADD-apt are two notable conglomerates desire to make a change through it’s finance of business and infrastructural developement and environmental rejuvenation in Nigeria.

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This new areas aside curbing waste management and reduction ,will encourage research and indepth investigation.

It will ao encourage local content,materials and design that will boost construction industry and trigger multifarious infrastructural initiatives.

It also guarantee innovative and sustainable deplyement of indigenous materials and design in the building industry and environmental/laboratory program.

The partnerships will also encourage collaboration between communities, stakeholders,in the country and beyond the shores of Nigeria.

The ongoing partnerships also served as indices that will stimulate economic growth and development in all ramifications.

The projection of these two key infrastructure components and producers in Nigeria by DBN, will nip in bud the incident of deploying not only sub- standard materials for construction of high brow structures and buildings prone to collapse as currently being witnessed in Nigeria,but create an opportunity for professional advise and deployment towards standard practices to forestall the ugly incidences.

It is archaic and time tested allowing structures collapse owing to unprofessional advise and the application of substandard materials in Nigeria in the 21st century,the timely intervention of DBN will not only advance due dilligence,but address haphazard and substandard design and construction addressed from the starting point.

The ongoing partnerships among many others by Developement Bank of Nigeria DBN, will create an enabling environment for possible synergy to advance areas of human endeavours and technolgical developement and progress of Nigeria.

DBN has taking the bull by the horn in this regard,and it’s desire to make a change in all sectors of Nigeria economy and beyond is unwavering.

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