DR”Usman Ogbo as a rector, A Crass Appointment And The Danger It Portends For The Education Sector-Austeen Anibe Otene


First and foremost, I want to state unequivocally without any reservations that I am not shocked with the announcement of Usman Ogbo as Rector of the Kogi State Polytechnic.

It further explains the height of defective leadership we are saddled with in Kogi State. Usman Ogbo does not posses the qualifications of an administrator and the position of a Rector is one that is more of an administrative job.

I will not be congratulating mediocrity because this is exactly the cards we have on the table today as with Kogi State leadership. How can we better our education system when we put round pegs in square holes?

So far, Governor Yahaya Bello has demonstrated his adamant attitude to learn from his mistakes. How well did Ogbo manage the political science department at the Kogi State University to merit the rectorship position of the polytechnic or was it earned through praise singing and sychophancy as displayed during the elections?

Our education system continues to suffer in hands of politicians who have battered the entire system.

I first met Usman Ogbo in 2017 and in that meeting, I could recall how he tongue-lashed Yahaya Bello’s administration and then, in the wake of 2018-19 elections, his obsession for the same Yahaya Bello skyrocketed unprecedentedly which leaves a semblance of selfishness and sychophancy.

My second meeting with this fellow was on National TV where got himself wrecked by his own tale of lies which he told repeatedly and uncontrollably. He displayed all the attributes of an immoral society ranging from open lies, conspiracy, gossip, blackmailing and bigotry as it were. From the moral view point, I see a sharp move away from value systems which guards every institution and placing such character in a position that requires all forms of seriousness and tenacity obviously explains the devalued quality of education currently being offered across the State. The Education sector is not a gambling house and we can’t afford to engage in trial and error mechanism if we must fix it.

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At KSU, Ogbo left an idellible mark of incompetence, corruption and human rights abuses which clearly defines the attributes of an opportunist whose ultimate goal is about self greed and advancement. Ogbo represents the illustration of a round peg in a square hole.

Appointing Usman Ogbo as Rector of Kogi State Polytechnic shows absolutely no intelligence and disdain for seriousness. What could be the yardstick of measurement. What were his *KPIs* in Kogi State University? Don’t tell me because he sang praises to the Governor during the campaigns even in the full glare of failure.

I make bold to ask him before the entire world to prove that his PhD is confirmed by telling us the following:

1. The Institution
2. Research Topic
3. Names of:

(a) Director of Studies
(b) Supervisor
(c) Internal Examiner
(d) External Examiner

4. Year of Conferment
5. Published articles and journals in which they are published
6. Start and finish dates of his PhD

We would Fact-check his submission and then revert with a verdict which we will make public.

I await his response and please if you are not Usman Ogbo, don’t speak of what you have no clue or knowledge of.

*Austeen Anibe Otene*

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