Count-us-out: Taraba State Government /Governor not responsible for the delay of Mambilla Hydro Power Dam Take-off


The Taraba State Government today cleared the air on fabrications going round that they are responsible for the delay of the take-off for the Mambilla Hydro power Dam projects. This was stated in a press briefing by the Hon Commissioner for information and orientation Barr. Danjuma Adaru. He said there was no time funds were made available to the Taraba State Government by the federal government in the name of compansation.

Danjuma said money provided to the state was for surveyor’s and nothing more. He how ever stated that the Governor was more than committed in making sure that this project is a total succes and a reality. The text of the briefing reads…

“Taraba State Government is greatly dismayed by the on-going Atempt to orchestrate a campaign of falsehood against the person and the Office of the Governor of Taraba State regarding to Mambilla Hydropower Project.

A publication in The Nation Newspaper of Wednesday March 18, 2020 titled: “Mambilla Hydropower Project Sites Still Fishing Grounds” attempted to create the false impression that the project is being delayed by the Taraba State Government. This impression is wrong, misleading and mischievous.

The truth is that Gov Darius Dickson Ishaku, more than any other Nigerian, has campaigned vigorously to get the project off the drawing table where it has gathered dust for several decades. He had also expressed the wish and consistently ralied support of all prominent Nigerians and stakeholders relevant to the project to get it started by the present Federal administration of His Excellency , President Muhammadu Buhari

it was, therefore, to his greatest joy and happiness that President Buhari decided to maka the project a priority of his administration For this, Gov Ishaku and the people af Taraba State are Esteemly grateful to Mr President. You will also recall that as Minister in the Ministry of Power under the Goodluck Jonathan administration, Governor lshaku had the singular opportunity of re-designing the Dam project and increasing its potential output from 260OMWs to 3050Ws. This was done to ensure that Nigerians and Tarabans , in particular, derive maximum benefit from the project.

Since the Federal Government decided to make the project a priority, Gov lshaku has taken several steps to help and facilitate its take-off. These include the hosting of the sensitization meeting of critical stakeholders in Abuja which was highly commended by the Hon Minister for Power, Engr Saleh Mamman. The exercise was meant to remove all bottlenecks against the project, build confidence of the people, particularly the project site’s immediate neghbours, so that they can give their full support.

In addition the Ishaku administration decided to confront and solve one of the most difficulit problems facing the project which is that of access to the project site. The Mararaba-Baissa-Abong-Nguroje Road which is a Federal road but being presently constructed and funded by the Taraba State Government is a product of Gov Ishaku’s desire to ensure that there is no obstacle in the way of the Dam project.

This is part of the strategic and proactive steps taken by Governor lshaku in making the project’s implementation easier. The state Government also rented apartments for use as office and accommodation for the staff of the Federal Ministry of Fower which have not been occupied four years after. With this much that the Taraba state Government under Gov lshaku’s watch has done, it is calous for anyone to accuse the government and the Governor of delaying the Dam project.

The allegation that Gov Ishaku refused to collect the cheque approved by the Federal Government for the compensation of those to be affected by the project. The money provided is for survey works and not for compensation. We need to state here with emphasis that due diligence is a cardinal philosophy of the administration of the Taraba State Govermment under Gov Ishaku.

That process is being applied to the planned payment of professional
fees to the surveyors. The payment of compensation has not started as being erroneously canvassed by the media. A lot of work still needs to be done both by the state and the Federal Ministry of Power before getting to that stage. And there are several milestones to be met. The Governor has directed that this must be thoroughly conducted to avoid complaints and controversies now and in future.

The process is still on-going and it is, therefore, wrong to label such an honest effort of government to do a thorough job as deley. Gov ishaku, a former Minister of Power, knows more than most Nigerians the benefits of the Mambilla Hydropower project, what it will take to realize it and the need to carry along all the stakeholders on the project. He has always pledged his support any time he had the opportunity to do so for the actualization of the project and he remains irrevocably committed to that promise”

The Press how ever sort for more clarity from the Hon Commissioner for power Hon Badina who was also present at the briefing on the construction of Mararaba Baisa Kurmi Road on whether it was the federal government or state government who was responsible for the construction of the road.

Badina however told them expressedly that it is solely been constructed by the state Government under the leadership of Governor Darius Dickson Ishaku, And assured of a speedy completion

©Nelson C. Len

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