Catalogues of Onomatopoeic “AWUYA

The discovery of facebook by Mark Zuckerberg was the highest and positive thing that happened to humanities that has changed and shaped how we live forever.
No doubt; it has broken our geographical boundaries thereby manifesting the ideology of globalization where entities across continents have become one.
There is no media gagging anymore because at the comforts of our homes we all enjoyed quick access to electronic devices with highly developed softwares where we can type our feelings, thoughts, emotions and visions and at the click of button within seconds they are all known to other people either within our neighbourhood and elsewhere.
Facebook’s users especially from Igalaland have done more harms than good to our cultural heritage.
Today the secrets and forbidden parts of the cultural and traditional heritage of Igala people are all over facebook.
I think facebook in the ways of Igala unthinkable users is no doubt a collateral damage.
Do you self good by learning some Igala idioms and cliches like;
*Ugwereche instead of saying am going to toilet.
*Ya-dago instead of saying dead or death directly.
*Imu sholu.
We have a rare culture!
We never just came to Nigeria.
We are the Nigerians.
Odaudu Wada Isah

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