Breaking News: ICDA call off the proposed AGM scheduled for 1st of August 2020.


After due consultation with relevant stakeholders, and in the overall interest of the Unity, Solidarity, Progress and Development of the Igala People and Nation. The Board of Trustees of the Igala Cultural and Development Association has resolved to call off the proposed 2019 AGM scheduled for 1st of August 2020 at Igala Unity House, Anyigba.
This has become necessary in view of the following:-
That the said meeting which was earlier proposed for April 2020, and was stalled by the ravaging Covid19 Pandemic and the attendant national lockdown/restrictions and protocols by the Federal Government. The situation above still persist especially for people travelling from High risk state. It is therefore not safe for the gathering of such congregation of people at a time like this.
The need for adequate preparation for a meeting of this nature, especially combining it with an award ceremony would be a major distraction to the object of an AGM. An AGM is a serious business for reporting both fiscal and narrative activities in all seriousness.
Other stakeholders especially from outside the confines of Kogi State have expressed similar opinion as in i & ii above, as regards postponement of the AGM. We are therefore obliged to respect the opinion of our people.
It is on this note we appeal to all delegates, our respected traditional rulers and invited Guest to take this development in good faith.
All inconveniences are highly regretted.
Dr. Omakoji Simeon Oyiguh
Chairman Board of Trustees

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