BBNaija: When Satan Criticize Saints By Ajogwu Jerry Ochada

Few days ago, another edition of the Big Brother Naija (BBN) show commenced amidst anticipation by interested fans of the TV ‘reality’ show. This year’s episode is tagged “Big Brother Lockdown” commemorating the global pandemic heralding a total shutdown of daily activities in most countries of the world.
The 2020 edition hit the tracks with 20 contestants and the contest is expected to reach a climax on the 90th day. As a routine, BBN is the choicest target of religious bigots and hypocrites who are always on standby to throw lazy tantrums manufactured by juvenile ruptured mindsets in accordance to fallacious religious tenets cooked and devoured by a conglomerate of confused breed.
Over the years, many critics of BBN are lame to embrace religious lines while striving in vain to weigh morals on the margins of reality. It is no longer news that Nigerians are the most religious self acclaimed citizens of heaven but this rating is yet to reflect in the fight against corruption in Africa’s most populous Black nation. To this end, Big Brother Nigeria is not the problem of Nigerians or Nigeria as a country.
Morality and religion are Siamese twins but the BBN show is aired via decoders that were formally in use before the advent of Big Brother. In other words, many programmes are rated 18+ as televised by DSTV, GoTv or Star times yet critics of BBN subscribe to it forgetting righteousness and will not pick up TV remotes to tune away from any station displaying a sex scene because they feel relaxed with quick excuses – it is just a movie – but are hungrily available to criticize the features of BBN. Nobody is righteous. Tuning to watch Big Brother on your television screen is by choice (not by compulsion) therefore it is ethically compensating to remain mute about any trend you opt not to subscribe than to disgrace yourself in public flare showcasing the peak of pitiable ignorance.
In Nigeria, many citizens have penchant of twisting what they do not know or do not wish to know as abnormal. Similarly, it is only in Nigeria that a dive in contemporary advancement is christened another agenda from the “pit of hell”. Parrot singing nationals are always on standby to hijack the gullibility of sheepish minded fellows and believers thereby pricking their weak sensibilities to form an ugly bandwagon of disinterested supposedly literate semi baked ‘illiterate’ who are educated but shamefully dejected.
Modern advancements in Nigeria are often misconstrued and miscalculated as diabolic chain. Recall that once upon a time, rumors trended hinting that receiving phonecalls from a particular telephone number is tantamount to death. Prior to the advent of mobile phones in Nigeria, phones were practically in use in developed countries and there was no record of a particular phone line randomly calling victims with intentions to kill. On this note, it is shameful to note that rumours of mobile terrorism and on spot death via diabolic phone calls debuted in Nigeria and is yet to be recorded in any country of the world.
All thanks to ‘African Science’ another belief system that will continue to breed communal hatred whereby every neighbour is a suspected witch; these class of wishful thinkers wield a furry stereotypical mindset compelling them to believe there is no natural cause of death. Anyone who die (even those who die as a result of terminal ailment) is linked to one perceived ‘wicked’ family member residing in the village who in reality is preoccupied with daily farm work and scarcely think of their own existence.
Critics of Big Brother Nigeria belong to the aforementioned citing of citizens. However, they should have a second thought and should stop painting the show bad by embracing religion to hatch weak misconceptions. The fallacious stance that Big Brother promotes fornication and adultery is not true. So many cases of rape was recorded during this phase of lockdown. Did rapist watch BBN before losing control of their libidos? This would have been another point for critics to debate their ignorance had it been the programme was aired in this period of lockdown forgetting the old biblical parlance “an idle man is the devil’s workshop”.
It is high time Satanic agents shun abhorrent comments targeted at saints who are not terrified by lazy rantings of the disinterested few; persons who are not objectively inclined yet cannot stop debating about trends. It is a two way traffic, you either subscribe to watch or stay away from the programme in totality. This entails your criticisms does not count because the devilish remarks you are baking can only be served in the committee of feeble minds who are urgently in need of orientation by relieving them from self imposed mental torture.

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