Even those who had written Fayose off long ago as a political charlatan were moved on April 12th ,2021 at the South West Congress in Oshogbo when Fayose spoke with humility about peace and reconciliation. He appeared very sincere. He said he acknowledged Governor Seyi Makinde as the undisputed leader of the People’s Democratic Party in the zone, and vowed to work with him to strengthen and unite the party.

But lo and behold, Ayo Fayose was merely playing to the gallery. Within hours of his peace talk, he had declared war, reneging on his every word publicly on national television. Fayose was back in character; a lier and a political camelion. As the saying goes, a leopard can hardly change its spots.

It appears that Fayose’s grudge against the Congress borders on two issues; 1. That the Congress was marred by violence, and 2. That the election was rigged. Of course both allegations are false and frivolous.

1. ALLEGATION OF VIOLENCE AT THE CONGRESS:. According to Fayose ,he was attacked in his hotel the night before the Congress by 150 armed thugs in 10 buses. This is unbelievable because there was no report of violent activity at Fayose’s
hotel. And if he was attacked by 150 thugs, how did he escape without a scratch on him.

Still on the allegation of violence; Fayose claimed that he was met by people who wanted to kill him at the conference. This is ridiculous because Fayose walked through the same crowd at the gate of the venue without being molested. And Fayose’s reference to the NURT member in the video as a potential assassin is ridiculous. What the man said in Yoruba is ” eyi lo ma pa (Fayose).” A honest translation of this is ” this is what will kill off Fayose”. “eyi”, ” this” is a reference to the Congress. The NURT man did not say ” a ma pa Fayose” which would mean we will kill Fayose.To claim as Fayose did that the man said he would kill Fayose is intentionally misleading, and malicious.

That the election at the South West Zonal Congress was rigged is falsehood at its worst. Nothing can be further from the truth. The Chairman and all officials of the Congress , and indeed everyone who was present in the hall that day must be wondering whether Fayose is going through the first stages of a mental breakdown. The man must be losing his mind !

The Congress Chairman went out of his way to show transparency, and contrary to Fayose’s allegation, the secretary , Honorable Anyanwu dutifully executed the directives of the Chairman, not a personal agenda. Before voting started the ballot boxes were placed on display to show they had not been stuffed. At every next point of the process, the Chairman would ask the whole house for concensus before he proceeded. He was determined to establish the openness and fairness of the election !

Fayose’s claim that 150 extra ballot papers were sent to the Congress from Party’s National Office is senseless. If governor Makinde was the recipient of those ballot papers as Fayose alleges, how will he use them when every ballot booklet had to be accompanied by a name following accreditation?

The issue of Ekiti delegate numbers being reduced is another falasy because the Congress Committee had nothing to do with numbers. List of delegates was sent to the screening committee by the Party Chairman in each state. Ekiti State Chairman sent his list, and that is what Congress dealt with.

The most compelling
case which Fayose made to support his allegation of vote rigging was the reference to a supposed statement by Honorable Mulikat Akande, a former House of Representatives member from Oyo State. As Fayose put it on his Channels Television interview, Honorable Mulikat Akande identified a number of dead and absent people who voted from Governor Makinde’s Oyo State delegation. This is another pathological lie. In the first place Honorable Mulikat Akande never uttered a word to the officials , neither did she address the Congress. Secondly, the screening of delegates was done individually , whereby every delegate had to appear in person. Therefore those dead delegates could have voted only in the sick imagination of Ayodele Fayose.


The Congress is done, and South West officers of the party are ready to work with Governor Seyi Makinde , the leader of the party in the zone. It is their collective duty to strengthen the Party’s structures throughout the geopolitical region,and improve citizens’ quality of life. As they do that , they will be contributing their quota to National development.

However, Governor Makinde and the Arapaja team must be mindful that a political barracuda is lying in wait for them. Ayo Fayose is still on the loose, working assiduously to derail their efforts.!

It is reasonable to assume that these Leaders and most PDP Stakeholders are wize to Fayose’s antics. But here is an appeal to others who may admire his shenanigans or are entertained by his theatrics:Take a careful look at Fayose’s words and actions, If you do, you will find a disturbed man who seems to be harbouring a political death- wish. Please do not let him drag you into the grave with him !

Dr. Adetokunbo Pearse, Public Affairs Analyst, PDP. Stakeholder.

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