APC Governors crying more than the bereaved


Nigerians should wake up and wise up. BÀT or any of his APC goons has no single feeling of sympathy or empathy towards the suffering of Nigerians.

For close to 8 years, Nigerians have been exposed to the most horrendous life anyone can imagine, and BAT and his Apc goons were deaf and dumb.

The students stayed at home for 8 months BAT, and his Apc evil men didn’t say a word or deemed it necessary to visit the presidency and add voices to the suffering of ordinary Nigerians.

Today, 133m Nigerians are living under multidimensional poverty, and all through these eight years, BAT didn’t find his voice.

Thousands of Nigerians are murdered daily by bandits and terrorists and yet BAT remained dumb and deaf. Even when an innocent Deborah was murdered BAT couldn’t see the evil and condemn it. Not even when bandits invaded a church in Ondo state did BAT had any milk of human kindness to speak against the gruesome murder of his kit’s and kin.

But boom the moment a policy came out for the use of new redesigned naira note, BAT suddenly found his voice and now he is challenging it with his party evil men with everything they have not because they care a hoot about you and I but because it may affect their election and vote buying strategies.


Dr. Chidi okpaluba

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